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Conversations For Transformation

Essays By Laurence Platt

Inspired By The Ideas Of Werner Erhard

And More

Reinventing of an Enterprise: Landmark Education
My thanks to Mark Spirtos and to Gary Boggs
and to Howard Bashew for the Spinning Globe
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A friend of Werner Erhard shares light from Werner's work





About Werner: conversations with, encounters with, experiences of, questions for, visits with

Essays in groups, chronological order, full alphabetized listing

Werner Erhard Biography
Professor William Warren "Bill" Bartley III
Werner Erhard - The Transformation of a Man, The Founding of est
download .pdf

Werner Erhard Biography II
Friends of Werner Erhard
various ideas
browse online

A Timeline of Werner Erhard's Work and Ideas
Speaking Being: Werner Erhard, Martin Heidegger, and a New Possibility of Being Human

Werner Erhard and The Mastery Course: Being a Master of Life: What It Takes

Werner Erhard and The Leadership Course: Being a Leader and the Effective Exercise of Leadership: An Ontological / Phenomenological Model

Werner Erhard Integrity

Werner Erhard Interviewing

Werner Erhard Leadership

Werner Erhard Quotes

Werner Erhard Papers

Werner Erhard Performance
Werner Erhard Photographs
Werner Erhard Videos
Werner Erhard and The Windstar Foundation
Werner Erhard in India
Werner Erhard in The New York Times
Laurence Platt Autobiography I and II
Laurence Platt conversations with, encounters with, experiences of, questions for, visits with Werner Erhard
Laurence Platt with Werner Erhard atop google search page #1 (twice)
Laurence Platt The Friends Of The Landmark Forum In South Africa
Conversations For Transformation on YouTube Laurence Platt Video Interview I, II, III, and IV, and more: Conversations For Transformation on YouTube (about 13,500 views)     

Laurence Platt Audio

A Film by Robyn Symon: Transformation: The Life and Legacy of Werner Erhard - Film review - Film preview - Purchase DVD - Watch film now

Landmark Worldwide - The Landmark Forum
Erhard Seminars Training - est  Reunion and Graduate Review
NEWEST ESSAYNights At The Lake

Werner Erhard
The body of work on this website is my expression of acknowledgement of Werner Erhard who introduced me to transformation.

This collection of my essays shouldn't be construed simply as a compendium of my writings, observations, and commentaries. In fact, if that's how they do play to you, then I would have failed in my intention to make them available.

Rather, what I have in mind is to engage with you in conversations for transformation such that in the reading of each one, you have an experience of a way of being transformed just by allowing their words to ripple through the oceans of your listening. My intention is to leave you with an experience of transformation rather than to merely impart new information.

Ever since I was born I've been aware my true nature is transformation. When I met Werner in 1978, his friendship and education enabled me to eventually marshal my language to express transformation in my day to day conversations and inspired me to write some of them down.

I've also engaged in the discipline of writing computer software since 1970.

The intersection of these two enduring platforms of my life has resulted in this internet series of essays:

Sort By Title | Sort By Date
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

These essays comprise groups.
This isn't a complete list of all essays.

For a complete list click
Sort By Title | Sort By Date

A Cup Of Tea
  1. Empty Cup
  2. It's Already Complete: Stop Finishing It!
  3. English Tea

  1. Alexandra
  2. Babe On The Freeway
  3. Light In The Night
  4. Alexandra II
  5. Santa Barbara
  6. True Gold
  7. Goleta Beach
  8. Getting Into Your World
  9. Fly Baby Bird!
  10. Celebration In Essaouira
  11. The Woman She Creates Herself To Be
  12. City Girl
  13. Vocal Prowess
  14. Lost And Found: A Tale Of Ownership, Loss, And Triumph
  15. Girly Girl
  16. My Baby Girl, Now A Bride

  1. Art Gallery
  2. Mona Lisa! Mona Lisa!
  3. Performance Artists
  4. Don't Regulate The Tate
  5. Bronze Buddha
  6. Erasing The Constraints: Robert Rauschenberg Works

  1. Attachment: When Your Creation Runs You
  2. Attachment / Commitment: A Fine Line
  3. Attachment: Causeway Between Islands

  1. Language Barrier
  2. Raise The Bar, Break The Barrier
  3. Barrier Reef
  4. When Barriers Fall: A Course In Relationships
  5. Language Barrier II

Being Enough
  1. Being Who Are As Enough
  2. Can Simply Being Alive Be Enough?
  3. When Who I Am Is Enough

Big Sur
  1. Nepenthe
  2. Hello Henry Miller
  3. Stranger Out Of Time
  4. Creekside Cabin

  1. Laurence Platt 65th Birthday
  2. Laurence Platt 70th Birthday
  3. Laurence Platt 71st Birthday: Surrender II

Boyne City, October 2023
  1. Boyne City, October 2023: My Being, My Actions
  2. Boyne City, October 2023 II: Accounts On Your Thumb Nail
  3. Boyne City, October 2023 III: Blonde Boy

Boyne City, October 2024
  1. Boyne City, October 2024: Confluence Of Technology : New
  2. Boyne City, October 2024 II: But That's Not What Transformation Is! : New
  3. Boyne City, October 2024 III: The Child Is Farther : New

Breakfast With The Master
  1. Conversation With A Laser
  2. Shut Up And Do What You're Doing
  3. Secret Agent

Breakfast With The Master II
  1. Breakfast With The Master II: Future Health
  2. Breakfast With The Master II: Future Finances
  3. Breakfast With The Master II: Future Open

Breakfast With The Master III
  1. Raw Power
  2. It Works Better As A Possibility
  3. Magic At Heart

Breakfast With The Master IV
  1. Breakfast With The Master IV: Parental Care
  2. Breakfast With The Master IV: Taking The Guilt Out Of It
  3. Breakfast With The Master IV: Language As Music

Breakfast With The Master V
  1. Whatever Works
  2. Yesterday's Transformation
  3. Billions And Billions Of Stars

Breakfast With The Master VI
  1. Breakfast With The Master VI: Doo-Wop, Coffee, And Intention
  2. Breakfast With The Master VI II: Cherish These Days
  3. Breakfast With The Master VI III: Forwarding The Fulfillment

Breakfast With The Master VII
  1. We're Here
  2. Being A Being Coach
  3. You Already Got It

Breakfast With The Master VIII
  1. Breakfast With The Master VIII: What People Crave
  2. Breakfast With The Master VIII II: Keep Talking
  3. Breakfast With The Master VIII III: Fearless In The Face Of Life

Breakfast With The Master IX
  1. A Fountainhead Of Clarity And Power
  2. Conversation With A Laser II
  3. Being A Being Coach II

Breakfast With The Master X
  1. Breakfast With The Master X: Living In A Story
  2. Breakfast With The Master X II: Don't Believe In The Buddha
  3. Breakfast With The Master X III: Broadening Horizons

  1. Keeping Your Word Means Making Happen What You Said Is Going To Happen
  2. Commitment And The Willingness To Have It All Work Out For Everyone
  3. Keeping Your Word Is A Black And White Issue
  4. Packing My Own Parachute
  5. Fear
  6. Commitment Creates The Space For Keeping Your Word To Happen
  7. Skydiving
  8. Workability
  9. Participation
  11. Seeing Is Not Believing (Seeing Is Seeing And Believing Is Believing)
  12. Attention To Detail

  2. Being Upset: This Side Of A Breakthrough
  3. Breakthrough Heart
  5. Breakthrough In Leadership
  6. The Breakthrough That Unlocks Futures
  7. The Effortless Breakthrough
  8. Breakthrough In Power
  9. Breakthrough In Academia
  10. Proof Of Life
  11. Breakthrough In Family

Cape Town, February 2015
  1. South Africa Leadership
  2. Wuudhu
  3. Rite De Passage
  4. The Girl Who Became A Tree

  1. Listen To The Children
  2. Indigo Child
  3. Look At The Children
  4. Wild Horses
  5. Breakthrough In Family
  6. Empty Nest, The Joy Of
  7. Nights At The Lake : NEWEST ESSAY

  1. In The Face Of Commitment
  2. Like Father
  3. From Stick Figures To IMAX 3D
  4. To Get Out Of A Rut, Be  In The Rut
  5. Christian Rocks!
  6. You'll Hear The Rumble
  7. Talk About It

Christmas Day
  1. High Class Zen
  2. Holiday Service
  3. Out Of My Head
  4. How To Enroll The World
  5. Holiday Service II
  6. A Game Worth Playing
  7. Peace On Earth And Good Will To All People: A Possibility
  8. Five Star Restaurant
  9. Direct Experience
  10. Thirteen Hawks A-Soaring
  11. Staying In Integrity
  12. Powerful Symbols : Newest -III

  1. On Being Coachable: Rails To My Train
  2. Being Around Werner
  3. Being A Being Coach
  4. Being A Being Coach II
  5. Life Is Wonderful To Waste
  6. Coaching By Osmosis

  1. (How To Be A) Victim Of Circumstance
  2. Under All Circumstances
  3. The Circumstances I've Got
  4. In Dire Circumstances Conversations For Transformation on YouTube
  5. It's Never The Circumstances: Context Is Decisive II
  6. That Which Deals With The Circumstances

  1. Commitment And The Willingness To Have It All Work Out For Everyone
  2. Commitment Creates The Space For Keeping Your Word To Happen
  3. In The Face Of Commitment
  4. Commitment To Self
  5. Committed To Your Commitment
  6. Commitment For The World
  7. Choosing Like Breathing
  8. Committed Existence
  9. Tie The Brush To My Hand II : Newest -IV

  1. Communication
  2. Terse Transformed Communication
  3. A Certain Quality Of Communication
  4. When I Communicate Clearly, You're A Better Communicator

  1. Power And Completion
  2. Complete And Delete
  3. It's Already Complete: Stop Finishing It!
  4. Transforming Life Itself: A Completely Started Inquiry
  5. The Complete Presentation
  6. Whole And Complete
  7. Completing Cape Town, February 2015
  8. Completion: An Inquiry Into The Point Of It All

  1. Context Is Decisive
  2. From Context To Language
  3. Recontextualization
  4. Passing Through: Anatomy Of A Contextual Shift
  5. Context Gives Our Cue
  6. Dealing With Life: A Tale Of Two Contexts
  7. A Context Worth Playing In
  8. This Context Of Privilege
  9. It's Never The Circumstances: Context Is Decisive II
  10. One Finger: Context Is Decisive III

  1. Contribution: Surrender
  2. Contribution II: Happiness
  3. Contribution III: Performance

Conversations With A Friend Prequels
  1. Nothing Out There, Nothing In Here
  2. Out Of The Blue
  3. Heroes
  4. Nothing Can Prepare You For This
  5. I've Seen The Future And The Future Is You

Conversations With A Friend
  1. Privilege At Daybreak In The Battle Between Good And Evil
  2. Future Perfect
  3. This Is What It Means To Be!
  4. Empty Cup
  5. Conversation With A Friend: A Symphony Of Notes
  6. The Sound Of Your Voice
  7. Conversations With A Friend VII
  8. Space For Redemption: When "I'm Sorry!" Isn't Enough
  9. What Did You Do To Me?
  10. You Are Always With Me

  1. Commitment Creates The Space For Keeping Your Word To Happen
  2. Art Gallery: The Physics Of Creativity
  3. God Only Creates What Is
  4. Creating The Master
  5. Attachment: When Your Creation Runs You
  6. Self Realization: Discovery Or Creation?
  7. Creating Creating
  8. Reason To Create
  9. Create Me The Way I Am
  10. The Woman She Creates Herself To Be
  11. Essays - Nine Years Later: Recreation
  12. What You Create For Yourself About Me
  13. On Creating Space
  14. Creating For Creation's Sake
  15. Creating Inexorably Like A Possibility

Dealing With
  1. Dealing With Life: A Tale Of Two Contexts
  2. Dealing With Tribulation
  3. That Which Deals With The Circumstances
  4. Deal With "Your Body" Not "Health Issues"
  5. Momentum: Dealing With It All
  6. Not As A Lens Between Me And What I'm Dealing With

Death And Dying
  1. Where You Go When You Die
  2. The Only Thing You Have To Do Is Die
  3. What Will I Do When You Die?
  4. That Which Never Dies: A Conversation Over High Tea
  5. Who I'll Be When You Die
  6. Old Cars

Denmark / Sweden, February 2014
  1. Air You Can Trust
  2. In Churches, Museums, And Castles
  3. Spirit Of Generosity

  1. The Heart Of Werner's Work
  2. Dorothy, I have A Feeling We're Not In Kansas Anymore
  3. Interesting Interested Lady
  4. Zen Gardener
  5. God Is In His Heaven And Everything Is Right With The World

Empty And Meaningless
  1. Empty And Marvelous
  2. Empty And Meaningless Revisited
  3. Empty And Meaningless And Free
  4. It Comes Right After "So What?!"
  5. Empty And Meaningless V
  6. The Emptiness You Feel Is Not The Problem
  7. Empty And Meaningless, And Meaning-Making Machines
  8. Give It All  Away : New

Encounters With A Friend
  1. Showing Up
  2. Poet Laureate
  3. A Man In The Crowd
  4. Real Men Cry
  5. A Different Set Of Rules
  6. Nametag: A True Story
  7. Half-Life
  8. Waiting On You
  9. Erotica On Schedule
  10. A House On Franklin Street
  11. NeXT
  12. Reflection On A Window
  13. Here And There
  14. How To Enroll The World
  15. Demonstration
  16. Two Of Me II: Confirmation Not Correction
  17. Holiday Spectacular
  18. Hello! How Are Things Going For You?
  19. Regular Guy
  20. A Scholar And A Gentleman
  21. Images Of You
  22. With Nothing Going On
  23. Where No One Has Gone Before
  24. Attachment: Causeway Between Islands
  25. If You're Not Then Don't
  26. Images Of You II
  27. Living Where Life Is
  28. Create Me The Way I Am
  29. How Do You Spell The Sound A Ratchet Makes?
  30. You Don't Ask "Why Me?"  When It's Raining II
  31. The Stink Of Zen
  32. Sitting Quietly In A Room Alone
  33. Footsteps On Metal Stairs

  1. On Misconstruing Enlightenment
  2. Enlightenment In The Danger Zone
  3. Enlightenment Is Giving Up The Notion That You Are Unenlightened
  4. A Space In Which The Wind Blows

  1. Big Enrollment
  2. Enrolling Others In Your Possibility Isn't A Chore
  3. How To Enroll The World
  4. Expectation, Or Possibility?
  5. A Future For Someone Else: The Promise Of Enrollment
  6. Talk About It
  7. Enrollment Is A Miracle
  8. The World's Conversation
  9. Freedom To Be
  10. The Cost Of Certainty
  11. "Stop Leading The Forum: Be The Forum"
  12. Leaving Me With The Distinctions, Not His Person

  1. Source Of Action
  2. With The Past In The Past And Nothing In The Future
  3. Out Here II: Out-Here

Europe, August 2009
  1. Mona Lisa! Mona Lisa!
  2. Further Than The End
  3. Skewed Since Antiquity

Experiences Of A Friend
  1. Stepping Back
  2. At Home As Self
  3. Empty Windows
  4. Futile Like A Freedom
  5. Shut Up And Do What You're Doing
  6. Werner As Intention
  7. Who He Is For Himself
  8. Source Quote
  9. Puzzle Solved, Mind Unraveled
  10. Eye To Eye
  11. Mystical Connection II
  12. Relentless
  13. Being Around Werner
  14. Being Always In Action: A Possibility
  15. Shaken Up And Teary
  16. On Being Sad
  17. The Complete Presentation
  18. Force Of Nature
  19. Everyone's In Love With Everyone
  20. I'm Old School
  21. Werner At The Speed Of Choice
  22. I Get Who You Are From What They Do
  23. The Significance - Not What Happened
  24. You Know I Love You - And I Know You Love Me
  25. Speaking To People's Relationship With Werner
  26. A Master At Being (And Having People Be)
  27. Werner As Source
  28. A Man Who's All There
  29. My Heart And You
  30. Mind Control
  31. Again And Again And Again And Again And Again And Again
  32. Unwavering
  33. The Leadership Course III: Pillar Of The Community
  34. American Genius
  35. Legacy II

Experiences Of A Friend II
  1. Friend, Partner, And Ally
  2. Go To The Beach
  3. Proof Of Life
  4. Going Out Like A Supernova
  5. Evidence Of Source
  6. On Knowing When To Be Ordinary
  7. Relationships: They Start, They End
  8. Letting Be
  9. Transforming The Untransformable
  10. There's Always The Next Piece
  11. Plastic Chandelier II
  12. Yes You Really Are That Big
  13. A Way With Words
  14. The Quietest Mind
  15. Approaching Integrity
  16. Dancing With Life II
  17. Staying In Integrity
  18. Ordinary People Star, Extraordinary People Recreate Themselves
  19. Committed Existence
  20. When You're Being Like Werner, You're Not Being Like Werner
  21. "There's Life Happening Where You Are"
  22. At The Level Of Self-Expression
  23. Intergalactic Dude
  24. Wonderful With People
  25. The Piercing Essay : New

Fourth Of July
  1. Anticipation: Accounting For An American Love Affair
  2. Independence Day
  3. I'd Rather Be With Me
  4. Do It For Nothing
  5. The Only Way Out Is Through
  6. Under All Circumstances
  7. Word Power
  8. When There's Nothing To Say
  9. The Possibility Of Being Independent And Free
  10. Intimacy In A Crowded Place
  11. What Goes On Internally
  12. Imprints Of Love
  13. Bookends: A Reflection On Mortality
  14. Come Back To Being
  15. Nobody Is Responsible Except You
  16. Like A Monk In A Cave

Friend (Supergroup)
  1. Conversations With A Friend
  2. Encounters With A Friend
  3. Experiences Of A Friend
  4. Experiences Of A Friend II
  5. Questions For A Friend
  6. Visits With A Friend
  7. The Friends Of The Landmark Forum In South Africa
  8. Transformed Friendship
  9. Friend Of The Planet
  10. Friend
  11. Friend II
  12. Friend Of The Physical Universe: Manifesto II
  13. Friend III
  14. It's Not Just You (The Trap Of Moi)

  1. American Genius
  2. Thoughts Of Genius
  3. Triumph Of Genius

  1. The Passion Of The Transformation
  2. Present To Sacredness
  3. God Only Creates What Is
  4. Crisis Of Faith
  5. Where You Go When You Die
  6. Covenant
  7. Laurence Platt Intersections
  8. Observations From Within The Question
  9. The Cavalry's Not Coming
  10. Prayer
  11. God In Your Universe
  12. You Had It All Along
  13. Wuudhu
  14. The Space In Which God Shows Up
  15. Laughing Buddha
  16. Within The Experiential Space We Are
  17. Thousands Of Years Old
  18. When God Disappears
  19. Do You Believe In Guard?
  20. Something From Nothing

  1. Gratitude
  2. Gratitude II
  3. Gratitude III

  1. Contribution II: Happiness
  2. On Being Happy
  3. "I Want Her To Be Happy"
  4. Bring Happiness To Life
  5. Roses Through Barbed Wire: A New Treatise On Being Happy
  6. Do Nothing, Be Happy
  7. Being Happy Like A Possibility

  1. The Second Coming Of Supersurfer
  2. Warmer In The Water
  3. Honoring Your Word
  4. After The Story Ends
  5. Paradise Is On The Tip Of My Tongue

  1. Victory Over The Past
  2. Like Icing On A Cake
  3. On Getting Younger

  1. Health Is A Function Of Participation
  2. Breakfast With The Master II: Future Health
  3. Body Heat, Radiant Health
  4. Chasing Wellness / Being Wellness

  1. To There Through Here: Heaven Via Dallas
  2. God Is In His Heaven And Everything Is Right With The World
  3. Heaven On Earth

  1. In The Face Of Commitment
  2. Stellenberg Avenue
  3. Faery Cottage
  4. Creekside Cabin
  5. A House On Franklin Street
  6. Stripping It Down To The Studs
  7. The Amazing Cowboy Cottage

I - The I Essays:
  1. I
  2. And Then Along Came I: The Genesis Of Identity
  3. The Illusion Of I
  4. Just Another Piece In The World: Access To Mastery
  5. A Loose Relationship With This Thing I Call "I"

In The Listening Of A Heroine
  1. An Unimaginable Commitment
  2. Created Word
  3. Choosing Like Breathing

  1. Authentic Truth: The Coca Cola Animals  Incident, And More
  2. Seeking Approval: The Watermelon Basket  Incident, And More
  3. Impact: The #1  Incident, And More

  1. Werner Erhard Slide Experience
  2. Lucid Disclosures
  3. A Man Is The Crowd
  4. Eyes Wide Om-pen

  1. Generous Integrity
  2. Squishy Integrity
  3. High Stakes: Integrity Seriously
  4. Bear Trap
  5. Integrity For Integrity's Sake
  6. Integrity: It's Its Own Trainer
  7. Triangle
  8. A Purely Positive Proposition
  9. Stay In The Integrity
  10. You Are What You Speak
  11. Learn To Love The Climb
  12. Seven Fingers
  13. Integrity Doesn't Imprint Like Balance
  14. Smaller As A Person
  15. Without Fear For Your Selfhood
  16. Pitoned To The Cliff Face
  17. Final Release
  18. The Walls Of Integrity
  19. Top Down, Or: Without Integrity Nothing Works
  20. Approaching Integrity
  21. Staying In Integrity
  22. Out With The Old, In With The New
  23. Outside The Law
  24. My Word Includes Cleaning Up My Word : New

Internal States
  1. Internal States
  2. Internal States II
  3. Internal States III: Way Of Being

  1. Joshua Is Doing Nothing
  2. Two Human Beings One Heart
  3. You Can't Hold On To A Wriggling Puppy
  4. Joshua Nelson Mongezi  Platt
  5. Source Of Action
  6. The Magical Breakfast Burrito Assembly Line
  7. Return To The Creek
  8. The Magical Breakfast Burrito Assembly Line II
  9. Special Angel, Human Being
  10. Boyne City, October 2023 III: Blonde Boy
  11. Boyne City, October 2024 III: The Child Is Farther : New

Keeping Your Word
  1. Keeping Your Word Means Making Happen What You Said Is Going To Happen
  2. Keeping Your Word Is A Black And White Issue
  3. Three Distinctions Of Word

Koans And So On
  1. Not Writing: Koans In The Key Of B-Major
  2. The Last Place You Look: Koans Of Conduct
  3. I've Got Nothing To Say: Twenty Boxes Of Nearly Haiku
  4. Haiku
  5. State Of Play
  6. I've Got Nothing More To Say: Twenty Boxes Of Nearly Haiku II

Landmark Programs
  1. The Transformation Of The World
  2. What Got Me
  3. Disclaimer
  4. 100 Watt Light Bulb
  5. Safety, Privacy, Security, Confidentiality
  6. The Conversation
  7. The Way I Am
  8. Paradise Is Not Enough
  9. An Actor Playing The Lead Role In A Play Called "My Life"
  10. An Actor Playing The Lead Role In A Play Called "My Life" II
  11. Source Quote
  12. Contribution: Surrender
  13. Contribution II: Happiness
  14. Contribution III: Performance
  15. Listening: You Never Have And You Never Will
  16. The Young Person's Guide To The Future
  17. A Possibility Given Approach
  18. Immersion In The Conversation: On Being In A Seminar
  19. Ordinary People
  20. Profit And Loss
  21. Language And Results
  22. About Assisting: On Leaving My Baggage At The Door
  23. Safeguarding The Power And Progress Of Conversations For Transformation
  24. Fourfold Path
  25. Outlandishly Powerful
  26. Online!: Free To Be And Free To Act II
  27. Online! II: Untethered
  28. One Finger: Context Is Decisive III
  29. Leaving Me With The Distinctions, Not His Person
  30. Online! III: Outrageous And Profound
  31. It Just Works, And I Can't Say How
  32. On Taking Enlightenment To India

  1. Last Word
  2. Speaking Of Freedom
  3. The Transformation Of The World
  4. Constituted In Language
  5. Zen Bland
  6. Source Of Zen Bland: Hand Grasps Itself?
  7. Linguistic Acts
  8. Language: The Scalpel Of Experience
  9. Wordsmith
  10. Source Quote
  11. Being And Acting Out-Here: Presence Of Self Revisited
  12. My Word In The Matter
  13. You Are What You Speak
  14. Residue Of Meaning
  15. The Effortless Breakthrough
  16. The World's Conversation
  17. Read To Us
  18. Everything You Say
  19. Breakfast With The Master IV: Language As Music
  20. Leading With My Word
  21. Language And Results
  22. No, It's What You Say  About It
  23. Located Inside Language
  24. Be A Good Day
  25. Words Are Like Numbers
  26. Law In The Universe II: An Inquiry Into Inquiring

  1. Leadership: Thinking
  2. Leadership II: Your Mouth / My Brain
  3. Leadership III: Unflinching

  1. Listen To The Children
  2. Paint On Listening
  3. Already Always Listening
  4. I Listen You
  5. Often Disconcerting, Yet Eminently Worth Listening
  6. Listening: You Never Have And You Never Will
  7. New Experience
  8. Listening To Tragedy
  9. Listening For Greatness
  10. Listening Till There's Nothing Left
  11. The Cost Of Certainty

London, January 2013
  1. Turned Tables
  2. Don't Regulate The Tate
  3. English Tea
  4. Blameless
  5. London "I": The Memorandum

  1. I Am Love With You Conversations For Transformation on YouTube
  2. Deliberate Love
  3. Love Living Into Love
  4. Hands Off Love
  5. Love Means Nothing
  6. I Love You Revisited
  7. What Part Of "I Love You" Don't You Get?
  8. Stand Like A Rock, Love Like A River
  9. St Valentine's Day
  10. Love Of Life
  11. Everyone's In Love With Everyone
  12. You Know I Love You - And I Know You Love Me
  13. Rising In Love
  14. Coming From Love
  15. For People Who Don't Love Themselves
  16. My Heart And You
  17. Forever
  18. Waiting For You
  19. It Is Where You Come From
  20. Experience Of Love
  21. I'll Always Say I Love You

Madrid, October 2010
  1. Miles And Miles And Miles
  2. Through Spanish Ears
  3. River Of People
  4. Tengo Un Regalo Para Ti

Memorial Day
  1. Afraid Of Nothing
  2. Everything That Gets In The Way Of My Life
  3. Something Solid On Which To Stand

  1. Snake
  2. When The Cows Came Home
  3. Patient Horse
  4. On Fleas And Piranhas
  5. Why Birds Fly
  6. Freed Like A Fox
  7. Extinction: About Mountain Chicken Frogs
  8. Thirteen Hawks A-Soaring
  9. Greener Grass
  10. Rabbit On The Path, Fly On My Hand

  1. Money And Us
  2. Give Me Money (That's What I Want?)
  3. Laurence Platt Video Interview III Conversations For Transformation on YouTube
  4. Exceptionally Rich
  5. Stake To Play
  6. Breakfast With The Master II: Future Finances
  7. Profit And Loss
  8. New Financial Order
  9. Really, Really Bad
  10. Standing Up To Gold

Morocco Series, March 2011
  1. Marrakech With A "C"
  2. Dancing With Life
  3. Celebration In Essaouira
  4. The Boogie-Boarders Of Casablanca

  1. The Passion Of The Transformation
  2. Rough Dichotomy, Hard Choice
  3. One In One
  4. Start A New Conversation (If You Don't Like The One You're In)
  5. Standing With
  6. Time On My Hands
  7. Watching The Wanting To Stop
  8. The Magnificent Seven
  9. Paradise Is Not Enough
  10. Space Station
  11. On Getting Younger
  12. Groundhog Weeks

Music Videos
  1. Miles And Miles And Miles
  2. Ventura! Oh, Ventura!
  3. Slow Dancing
  4. Fearless
  5. Blameless
  6. Victory Like A Choice
  7. The Next Best Thing
  8. Truth, And What's True
  9. Snowflakes In A Furnace
  10. Completion: An Inquiry Into The Point Of It All
  11. Vocal Prowess
  12. Final Release
  13. Not One Size Fits All
  14. In Unison
  15. Waiting For You
  16. Back Nine
  17. Girly Girl
  18. A Petri Dish For Miraculous Relationships

Never Mind The Fairy Tale
  1. Never Mind The Fairy Tale
  2. Never Mind The Fairy Tale II
  3. Never Mind The Fairy Tale III

New Year's Day
  1. Orion
  2. Clean, Well Lit Quarters
  3. External Tank
  4. The Magical Breakfast Burrito Assembly Line II
  5. As Your Natural Self-Expression
  6. Werner's Work In Academia
  7. About Assisting: On Leaving My Baggage At The Door
  8. Another New (Symbolic) Beginning
  9. So What Revisited: The Implement
  10. Empty And Meaningless, And Meaning-Making Machines
  11. You Haven't Run Out Of Life, You've Run Out Of Possibilities : Newest -II

New Zealand / Fiji, June 2013
  1. Godzone
  2. You'll Hear The Rumble
  3. B-Grade Hotel
  4. The Rain Is Coming, Mr Laurence
  5. Is Fiji Paradise?

North Bay Firestorm
  1. What You Can't Live Without
  2. Flames In My Rearview Mirror
  3. Repainting Life On A (Suddenly) New Canvas

  1. Nothing
  2. There's Nothing To Get And There's Nothing To Fix
  3. High Class Zen
  4. Joshua Is Doing Nothing
  5. A Paradigm For Nothing
  6. Nothing We Can Achieve
  7. Afraid Of Nothing
  8. Nothing Doing
  9. Nothing At The Pump
  10. Nothing Out There, Nothing In Here
  11. Be Mindful Of Nothing
  12. When You've Got Nothing, Give It Away
  13. All There Is Is This
  14. You Can Never Get Enough Of Nothing
  15. With Nothing Going On II
  16. I've Got Nothing Left To Do But Do
  17. Everything's New Yet Nothing's Changed: The Implication
  18. Sitting Quietly In A Room Alone
  19. Sweet Nothing
  20. When We Get Nothing, We Get Everything
  21. Do Nothing, Be Happy
  22. No More Thrashing : New

  1. Out Here
  2. Out Here II: Out-Here
  3. Out-Here III
  4. Transforming Life Itself: A Completely Started Inquiry
  5. Being And Acting Out-Here: Presence Of Self Revisited
  6. Hiking In A Painting
  7. Out-Here IV: Clearing For Life
  8. Something Bigger Than Oneself II
  9. To A Fault
  10. Where The Action Is
  11. Step Outside Your Head: A Call To Action
  12. More Than Being With The World
  13. It's Never Over There
  14. Life Is What's Happening

  1. The Whole Truth
  2. Nothing But The Truth
  3. Already Always Listening
  4. Mom Dearest
  5. Mother's Day
  6. I Am My Parents
  7. Clear And Present
  8. Long Time Comin'
  9. Wired To Be Admired
  10. Rite De Passage
  11. At The Side Of The Road
  12. Breakfast With The Master IV: Parental Care
  13. You Are Everything To Me
  14. Passing
  15. Imprints Of Love
  16. Platinum Anniversary
  17. Being Inclusive Like A Possibility
  18. Everything Is The Same As Everything Else ...
  19. Tiny Correction, Vast Opening
  20. The More I Appreciate Being A Parent, ...
  21. Antique Windsor Chairs
  22. Mother's Day II
  23. One More Time : New

  1. Woman Of A Thousand Faces
  2. The Land Baroness And The Cowhand
  3. Flash
  4. Moon On The Water
  5. Farm Girl
  6. Sirius' Passion Play
  7. The Girl In The Pork Pie Hat
  8. The Leadership Course II: Leadership Is A Barefooted Girl
  9. Where The Action Is

  1. Nelson Mandela And Transformation
  2. Sheikh Noorul Mubeen
  3. Alexandra
  4. Joshua Is Doing Nothing
  5. Dorothy, I have A Feeling We're Not In Kansas Anymore
  6. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
  7. Alan
  8. Kind Words
  9. Long Time Gone
  10. Like Father
  11. Barrier Reef
  12. Not With A Whimper But A Bang
  13. Big Man: Leader Of Leaders
  14. Human Chameleon, Rock God
  15. I'm A Creator
  16. Fallow Field
  17. Zen And Coffee Cake
  18. People I Know
  19. Just ... Don't ... Be ... Late
  20. Mr Majestig
  21. The Water They Swim In
  22. Stunningly Gifted Visionary
  23. Bomber Pilot, Winemaker
  24. On Becoming Nobody
  25. Father Of Transformation
  26. The Muse Conversations For Transformation on YouTube
  27. Emeriti
  28. The Things People Do
  29. How Jack Met Werner
  30. A Calming Influence
  31. Custodian Of Scholarly Papers, Financial Genius
  32. "How Long Have You Been Creating The World?" : New

Platt Park, April 2023
  1. If You Make It Wrong, It's Hard To Let It Go
  2. "Something's Wrong" Isn't Wrong
  3. Bookends II: Times I'm Not

Poet Laureate
  1. Poet Laureate
  2. Poet Laureate II
  3. Poet Laureate III
  4. Poet Laureate IV

Portland Oregon, December 2019
  1. You Will Never Have To Be That Way Again
  2. On Being With The Automaticity
  3. On Reaching The End

  1. Future As Possibility
  2. Enrolling Others In Your Possibility Isn't A Chore
  3. Readiness: The Possibility Of Being Forgiving, Open, And Welcoming
  4. Another Possibility
  5. Peace On Earth And Good Will To All People: A Possibility
  6. Being Always In Action: A Possibility
  7. Expectation, Or Possibility?
  8. So Stoopid, Given What's Possible
  9. In The Space Of Possibility
  10. It Works Better As A Possibility
  11. A Possibility Given Approach
  12. Litmus Test: Possibility Begets Possibility
  13. Possibility Minus Possibility Equals Possibility
  14. The Possibility Of Being Independent And Free
  15. Open And Here
  16. Possibility's The Word
  17. Gratitude II
  18. It's "The Possibility Of Being  ..."
  19. "Hey, DOSBox!"
  20. Being Inclusive Like A Possibility
  21. But And And II
  22. Being Accepting, Or: Before You Can Move On You Have To Be Where You Are
  23. Unspecial: The Possibility Of Being Humble
  24. What's Possible With Transformation?
  25. Differentiating Between The Circumstances And The Possibilities : New
  26. You Haven't Run Out Of Life, You've Run Out Of Possibilities : Newest -II

Power To Transform
  1. Whack!
  2. Under All Circumstances
  3. Source Of Aliveness
  4. Damned Choice
  5. For People Who Don't Love Themselves
  6. Still Standing: Musings On The Permanent Impermanence Of Transformation
  7. Living Without Distortion
  8. No, It's What You Say  About It
  9. Transforming The Untransformable
  10. The Odds Are Even For Everyone Conversations For Transformation on YouTube

Questions For A Friend
  1. Prelude
  2. Ask Me Anything
  3. Coming Around Again

Questions For A Friend II
  1. Familiar Unfamiliar Territory
  2. Interview
  3. Straight Talk

Questions For A Friend III
  1. Dancing With My Mouth
  2. Cave Paintings
  3. Velvet Tsunami

Questions For A Friend IV
  1. Creating Creating
  2. Tell Me Something About Nothing
  3. Lucid Disclosures

Questions For A Friend V
  1. Closer And Closer
  2. Tête À Tête 
  3. Dancing With Life

Questions For A Friend VI
  1. What Would I Ask You If I Could Ask You Anything?
  2. Wonderings About Nothing In Particular
  3. Tipping Point

Questions For A Friend VII
  1. Beyond Breathing Underwater
  2. Bold Faced Truth
  3. What You Create For Yourself About Me

Questions For A Friend VIII
  1. Once In A Lifetime
  2. Fireside Chat
  3. Whole And Complete

Questions For A Friend IX
  1. Questions For A Friend
  2. Nothing Else I'd Rather Be Doing
  3. Free To Be And Free To Act

Questions For A Friend X
  1. Attracted To Dance
  2. I Told A Friend I Love You
  3. Terse Transformed Communication

Questions For A Friend XI
  1. A Context Worth Playing In
  2. Tie The Brush To My Hand
  3. Unimaginably Terse

Questions For A Friend XII
  1. What Will I Do When You Die?
  2. Access
  3. The Newest Piece Of Work

Questions For A Friend XIII
  1. Worthy Of The Company
  2. Creating Them For Myself
  3. Standing With Masters

Questions For A Friend XIV
  1. This Context Of Privilege
  2. I'm Not Going To Let It Go
  3. Questions For A Friend XIV III: Not Yet Titled (working title) : In Progress

  1. Conversations For Transformation
  2. Look Who's Laughing Now ...
  3. Transformation: The Life And Legacy Of Werner Erhard
  4. Not Your "Business As Usual" Motor Racing Film
  5. Out To Lunch With The Financial Times
  6. Doesn't Qualify As Research
  7. Media Coverage

  1. The Original Jeffrey's Bay
  2. Start A New Conversation (If You Don't Like The One You're In)
  3. Enchanted Hill
  4. Life To The Fullest
  5. Graduating From Doing To Being
  6. Stars
  7. If You Aspire To Fame, Be Famous For Being Who You Are

Sabbatical II
  1. Sabbatical II (Beginning)
  2. Silence And Nothing
  3. Sabbatical II (Middle)
  4. Full Self-Expression: Demonstration II
  5. Setting Up For The Rapids
  6. Sabbatical II (End)

  1. On Being Sad
  2. The Sadness Of A Wasted Life
  3. "Sadness Is Supposed To Cure Being Sad"

Santa Barbara
  1. Santa Barbara
  2. Unbelievable
  3. Give Me Money (That's What I Want?)
  4. True Gold
  5. Getting Into Your World
  6. You Say Stop: About Resisting Transformation
  7. The Cavalry's Not Coming
  8. On This Team Everyone's The Leader
  9. Fireside Chat
  10. The Next Best Thing
  11. Full Circle, Full Spiral
  12. Truth, And What's True
  13. Snowflakes In A Furnace
  14. Something In The Air
  15. Vocal Prowess
  16. Flames In My Rearview Mirror
  17. Back Nine
  18. Chess II
  19. But And And II
  20. My Baby Girl, Now A Bride

  1. Commitment To Self
  2. Presence Of Self
  3. Self Realization: Discovery Or Creation?
  4. Essays - Eighteen Years Later: The Heart Of The Matter
  5. At Home As Self
  6. Who He Is For Himself
  7. Self Being Self
  8. Surrender To Self Not To A Diagnosis: Surrender III

September 11, 2001
  1. September 11, 2001
  2. September 11, 2001 - One Year After
  3. September 11, 2001 - Five Years After
  4. September 11, 2001 - Ten Years After

  1. It's Only Significant If I Say So
  2. The Significance - Not What Happened
  3. No Inherent Significance
  4. Consumed By Inherited Significance
  5. It's The Significance, Stupid! : New

Sleep After Transformation
  1. Sleep After Transformation
  2. Sleep After Transformation II
  3. Sleep After Transformation III
  4. Sleep After Transformation IV

  1. Snake
  2. Snake II
  3. Snake III
  4. Snake IV
  5. Snake V

  1. Imagine
  2. Breakfast In America
  3. Romeo In Black Jeans
  4. Killing Me Softly
  5. Coming Around Again
  6. Graduation Day!
  7. Long Time Gone
  8. Groovin'
  9. Lucky Man
  10. Long Time Comin'
  11. See A Chance, Take It
  12. English Tea
  13. Year Of The Tiger
  14. Something In The Air
  15. Everything's Fine Right Now
  16. Lonely Road
  17. Forever
  18. Still Standing Still
  19. Really, Really Bad
  20. Only You
  21. Bye Bye Baby

  1. Source
  2. Source Of Zen Bland: Hand Grasps Itself?
  3. Source Of Action
  4. Source Of Aliveness
  5. Source Quote
  6. Much More Than A Compendium: Reflecting On The Source Of Werner's Work
  7. Werner As Source
  8. Idea As Source
  9. Evidence Of Source
  10. Relating To Source

St Valentine's Day
  1. Nothing But The Truth
  2. Driving In A Watercolor
  3. Cave Paintings
  4. What Part Of "I Love You" Don't You Get?
  5. St Valentine's Day
  6. Air You Can Trust
  7. Still Standing: Musings On The Permanent Impermanence Of Transformation
  8. Fire-Breathing Dragons

State Of The Union  Celebrations Of Conversations For Transformation
  1. Essays - One Year Later: Critical Mass
  2. Essays - Two Years Later: Glass Walled Studio
  3. Essays - Three Years Later: Internet Presence
  4. Essays - Four Years Later: Side By Side
  5. Essays - Five Years Later: Arm In Arm
  6. Essays - Six Years Later: A Very Good Year
  7. Essays - Seven Years Later: By My Self
  8. Essays - Eight Years Later: Riding The Open Range
  9. Essays - Nine Years Later: Recreation
  10. Essays - Ten Years Later: Decade
  11. Essays - Eleven Years Later: Unimaginable
  12. Essays - Twelve Years Later: A New Beginning
  13. Essays - Thirteen Years Later: A Certain Space
  14. Essays - Fourteen Years Later: Lenses Of Creativity
  15. Essays - Fifteen Years Later: Essence
  16. Essays - Sixteen Years Later: It's All In The Mouth
  17. Essays - Seventeen Years Later
  18. Essays - Eighteen Years Later: The Heart Of The Matter
  19. Essays - Nineteen Years Later: On Being Used By Something Bigger Than Myself
  20. Essays - Twenty Years Later: Connected With Werner
  21. Essays - Twenty One Years Later: Being In Werner's Conversations : New

  1. No Problem At All: Suffering Is Optional
  2. Approaching Integrity
  3. War Stories
  4. The Second Arrow
  5. Compassion For Suffering

  1. The Original Jeffrey's Bay
  2. The Second Coming Of Supersurfer
  3. Timeless Classic Rincon
  4. Passing The Torch
  5. Warmer In The Water
  6. The Boogie-Boarders Of Casablanca
  7. See A Chance, Take It

Thanksgiving Day
  1. The Friends Of The Landmark Forum In South Africa
  2. Simple Things
  3. Full On You
  4. Regular Guy
  5. No Line
  6. Orchid Leaves
  7. Service: The Same Game Played In A Whole New Way
  8. Coming From Love
  9. Velcro Faces
  10. Serve In Order To Serve, Not In Order To Help : New

The Laurence Platt Dictionary
  1. Recontextualization
  2. Epistemology
  3. Inexorable
  4. Exuberance
  5. Standing With
  6. "How?" Questions: By Consideration Alone
  7. Equanimitous
  8. Unmessable (With)
  9. Eschew
  10. Forgiveness: No Good Without It
  11. By Consideration Alone II
  12. Excellence, Newly
  13. laurenceplattology
  14. Rising In Love
  15. My Constituency
  16. Minimalistic
  17. Making A Difference
  18. Self-Efficacy
  19. Catastrophize
  20. Coaching By Osmosis
  21. Being Sincere Inauthentically : New
  22. Differentiating Between The Circumstances And The Possibilities : New

The Laurence Platt Story
  1. Laurence Platt Autobiography
  2. Laurence Platt Autobiography II
  3. Laurence Platt Intersections
  4. Laurence Platt Photo Album
  5. Laurence Platt And Associates
  6. Gratitude

The Laurence Platt Video Interviews
  1. Laurence Platt Video Interview Conversations For Transformation on YouTube
  2. Laurence Platt Video Interview II Conversations For Transformation on YouTube
  3. Laurence Platt Video Interview III Conversations For Transformation on YouTube
  4. Laurence Platt Video Interview IV Conversations For Transformation on YouTube

The Leadership Course
  1. An Experience That Begins Before It Begins
  2. Thinking On My Feet
  3. No, It's What You Say  About It
  4. The Leadership Course: As Your Natural Self-Expression II
  5. The Leadership Course II: Leadership Is A Barefooted Girl
  6. The Leadership Course III: Pillar Of The Community
  7. Life, Love, And The Whole Damn Thing
  8. Crowning Jewel
  9. On The Created Future
  10. Experience An Ontological Shift

The Mastery Course
  1. The Mastery Course: Holding Myself Out Into The Nothing
  2. The Mastery Course II: We've Got It All On Tape
  3. The Mastery Course III: You Have To Discover It For Yourself

The Werner Erhard Experience
  1. Werner Erhard Video Experience
  2. Werner Erhard Photo Experience
  3. Werner Erhard Quote Experience
  4. Werner Erhard Paper Experience
  5. Werner Erhard Slide Experience
  6. Werner Erhard Video Experience II
  7. Werner Erhard Video Experience III
  8. Werner Erhard Photo Experience II

  1. Time On My Hands
  2. I'm Playing So Hard I've Got No Time To Be Busy
  3. Enough Time
  4. Moving Time Around
  5. One Day One Life: A Reflection On Time
  6. Maybe Time Isn't Linear
  7. Just ... Don't ... Be ... Late

  1. Transformation
  2. Nelson Mandela And Transformation
  3. The Way Of Transformation
  4. Transformation: The Life And Legacy Of Werner Erhard
  5. Moment Of Truth
  6. Transformation II
  7. No Line
  8. Transformation Is Timeless
  9. Transforming Life Itself: A Completely Started Inquiry
  10. Transformation Is Accountability Plus Committed Speaking
  11. Not One Size Fits All
  12. Transforming Disciplines
  13. What It Also Comes Down To
  14. Transforming The Untransformable
  15. Who You Might Be Really
  16. Boyne City, October 2024 II: But That's Not What Transformation Is! : New

  1. Empty Nest, The Joy Of
  2. Flagship Program, Source Experience
  3. The Magic Of "May"

  1. Used By The Truth
  2. Not Truth / Truth
  3. Moment Of Truth
  4. Nobody's Doing It To You Except Yourself: A Study In Truth
  5. Tell Me The Truth
  6. Authentic Truth: The Coca Cola Animals  Incident, And More
  7. Matchbox Cars
  8. On Telling The Truth

Visits With A Friend Prequels
  1. Anticipation: Accounting For An American Love Affair
  2. Eye Of The Needle
  3. Secret Service: License To Thrill
  4. Everyone Loves You
  5. Close Up, Face To Face, Larger Than Life, And Twice As Natural
  6. View From A Fallow Wheatfield
  7. Flying
  8. Three Stairs At A Time
  9. Something Fierce, Something Wonderful
  10. Serving High
  11. Simple But Not Easy
  12. A Request Asked Harder

Visits With A Friend
  1. Second First Impression
  2. Do Artists Retire?
  3. Presence Of Love

Visits With A Friend II
  1. Black Brick
  2. Wet Water
  3. On Saying Nothing

Visits With A Friend III
  1. Master Of Life
  2. Face To Face
  3. Love And Kindness

Visits With A Friend IV
  1. Personal Piece
  2. Magnum Opus
  3. Walk A Way With Me

Visits With A Friend V
  1. Natural Expression
  2. Essential Question
  3. There Is No "The Answers"

Visits With A Friend VI
  1. Sophisticated Palate
  2. Open To Everyone
  3. Portal

Visits With A Friend VII
  1. Meetings With A Remarkable Man
  2. Being Directed By The Unanswered Question
  3. Out Here

Visits With A Friend VIII
  1. Read To Us
  2. Seven Fingers
  3. Smart People

Visits With A Friend IX
  1. Intimacy In A Crowded Place
  2. What Goes On Internally
  3. Riding The Horse Revisited

Visits With A Friend Sequels
  1. Mint Condition
  2. Tempered Tornado
  3. Who Said That? Who Really  Said That?
  4. Creating For Creation's Sake
  5. Reinventing The Game

Washington DC, June 2016
  1. City Girl
  2. Two Busies
  3. Washington DC Words
  4. Completion: An Inquiry Into The Point Of It All

Werner (Supergroup)
  1. Conversations With A Friend Prequels
  2. Conversations With A Friend
  3. Encounters With A Friend
  4. Experiences Of A Friend
  5. Experiences Of A Friend II
  6. Questions For A Friend
  7. The Werner Erhard Experience
  8. Visits With A Friend Prequels
  9. Visits With A Friend
  10. Visits With A Friend Sequels

Werner's Work
  1. The Heart Of Werner's Work
  2. Zen And Werner's Work
  3. Werner's Work Is Coming Back To Hawai'i
  4. Werner's Work Is Coming Back To Hawai'i Again
  5. Werner's Work Is Coming To Fiji
  6. Werner's Work Is Coming To The Dominican Republic
  7. Much More Than A Compendium: Reflecting On The Source Of Werner's Work
  8. Werner's Work Is Back In Hawai'i
  9. Werner's Work In Academia
  10. Werner's Work: Data, Processes, Sharing

  1. Workability
  2. Werner's Space
  3. Workability II
  4. Clear For Takeoff
  5. Beyond Breathing Underwater
  6. Leadership III: Unflinching
  7. Carpet Threads: An Inquiry Into Workability
  8. Workability III

World Transformed
  1. The Friends Of The Landmark Forum In South Africa
  2. The Transformation Of The World
  3. Werner's Work Is Coming Back To Hawai'i
  4. Werner Erhard Slide Experience
  5. Werner's Work Is Coming Back To Hawai'i Again
  6. Werner's Work Is Coming To Fiji
  7. Werner's Work Is Coming To The Dominican Republic
  8. The Breakthrough That Unlocks Futures
  9. Werner's Work Is Back In Hawai'i
  10. Werner Is Coming To Stanford!
  11. We're Not Republican, We're Not Democratic, We're American
  12. Out With The Old, In With The New

You Are A Machine
  1. You Are A Machine
  2. Confronting The Machinery
  3. You Are A Machine II
  4. Machinery Embedded In Hamburger
  5. You Are Still A Machine
  6. A Million Ways A Machine, One Free?
  7. On Full Automatic

You Don't Ask "Why Me?"  When It's Raining
  1. You Don't Ask "Why Me?"  When It's Raining
  2. You Don't Ask "Why Me?"  When It's Raining II
  3. You Don't Ask "Why Me?"  When It's Raining III

  1. Zen And Werner's Work
  2. Sandals On My Head
  3. Zen Is Binary
  4. Shut Up And Do What You're Doing
  5. Sitting
  6. Dog Days II
  7. So What
  8. Zen Of Laundry
  9. Zen Of Peeling Potatoes
  10. The Stink Of Zen
  11. Everything's New Yet Nothing's Changed: The Implication
  12. Zen And Coffee Cake
  13. Zen Of Cleaning: Everything's Sparkling - Inside And Out
  14. Zen Of Paperwork
  15. Zen: No Zen
  16. Hungry Eat Tired Sleep
  17. If A Tree Falls ...
  18. The Sound Of One Hand Clapping
  19. Zen, Essentially
  20. Do, Or Do Not
  21. Zen Garden
  22. Dirty Zen
  23. Befriend Your Monkey Mind

Zoom With The Master
  1. Zoom With The Master
  2. Zoom With The Master II: Ontological Trout Fishing

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
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 is speaking:

Laurence Platt with Ernest Hemingway

Thank You for Your Listening.
Thank You for Your Relationship with Werner.
Napa Valley, California, USA
Sunday August 17, 2003

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