Conversations For Transformation: Essays Inspired By The Ideas Of Werner Erhard

Conversations For Transformation

Essays By Laurence Platt

Inspired By The Ideas Of Werner Erhard

And More

I Speak Therefore I Am

Los Altos, California, USA

March 5, 2003

This essay, I Speak Therefore I Am, is the prequel to Trimtab.

Why speak transformation? Why share transformation at all? Because who we are is constituted in language. I speak therefore I am.

Built into transformation is that it can't be kept - it can only be shared. That's its nature.

You could say transformation is being in a conversation about transformation. And when you are no longer in a conversation about transformation, then you are no longer transformed.
Werner Erhard uses the analogy of a fully laden oil tanker traveling at full steam with great effect.

If you attempt to turn the rudder of a fully laden oil tanker traveling at full steam, it will actually make very little difference. The sheer weight and momentum of the oil tanker renders the rudder almost impossible to turn. The rudder is inefficient in pulling the oil tanker around.

To overcome this inefficiency, the rudder itself has a rudder. The rudder's rudder is called the trimtab. In order to turn the rudder, first the trimtab is turned. When the trimtab is turned, it pulls the rudder. And when the rudder is pulled, it in turn pulls the oil tanker which starts to turn around.

I don't know what your destiny will be, but I do know if you don't seek out, discover, and deploy the trimtab of your life, all you'll be seeing in your future is more of your past, powerless to turn.

Seek out, discover, and deploy the trimtab of your life, thereby ensuring your past stays in the past, leaving you free to create new possibilities for the future, drawing discrimination from your past but not entangled in your past.

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