Conversations For Transformation: Essays Inspired By The Ideas Of Werner Erhard

Conversations For Transformation

Essays By Laurence Platt

Inspired By The Ideas Of Werner Erhard

And More

Space Station

Trefethen Family Vineyards, Oak Knoll Appellation, Napa Valley, California, USA

October 13, 2015

This essay, Space Station, is the tenth in a dozen embodying ideas from Movies: I am indebted to my mother Andee Platt and to Stanley Kubrick who inspired this conversation.

Directed by Stanley Kubrick
Screenplay by Stanley Kubrick and Arthur C Clarke
Inspired by The Sentinal by Arthur C Clarke

© Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer - 1968
Space Station V - from the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey
It's one of the very first experiences of transformation ie it's one of their very first experiences of being transformed  ie of being whole  and complete  many friends have shared with me when we've talked quietly and intimately in the way friends talk. It's an experience they describe as being (quote unquote) "alone" - that's not "lonely"  but rather "alone". One of them went so far as to liken his experience to "living in (his) own space station". I like this analogy, yet I have one reservation:

The analogy of living in one's own space station, if it's the experience of being transformed, could convey a suggestion of being isolated, or cut off. I prefer to suggest a different context for being alone. Try this on for size: when I articulate the experience as being "alone", the emphasis in my pronunciation imbues it with the possibility of being "all ... one". I can say transformation is being "all ... one".

Listen: clearly, by any stretch of the imagination, it would be a truly awesome accomplishment if you were living in your own space station. In fact if you were living in space at all ie if you were being transformed, and you were not  living in your own space station, you'd be in big trouble. And if you are  living in space, look around you. You may just start noticing there are many, many other people just as accomplished as you, living close by in their own space stations near you.

Now, at the risk of being on the receiving end of some good natured (and of some not so good natured) ribbing for any "space cadet"  and "rocket man"  associations which the analogy of global transformation as each of us living in our own space station, is sure to elicit, I do like it. It teases out a model for a way of being which is really apropos  these Conversations For Transformation. We are, both as the whole human species and also as the entire human family, totally interdependent on each other, yes? There are many ways to view the possibility of this interdependence. One way you could view the possibility of this interdependence, is as if it were an interdependence of individuals who aren't independent  ie as an interdependence of individuals who don't (yet) experience themselves as being whole and complete.

Another way to view the possibility of this interdependence, is as an interdependence of individuals who are  independent ie as an interdependence of individuals who experience themselves as being whole and complete. Wait just a moment Laurence! Didn't you just invent the possibility of "a world comprised of individuals who each experience themselves as being whole and complete"? Now that  would be a gamechanger, yes? It's this latter view of this interdependence ie it's this latter view of the possibility of global transformation, elicited by the analogy of individual transformation as living in one's own space station, which I really like ie which works well.

Background soundtrack: Johann Strauss: The Blue Danube Waltz - wait for 5.24M download

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