Conversations For Transformation: Essays Inspired By The Ideas Of Werner Erhard

Conversations For Transformation

Essays By Laurence Platt

Inspired By The Ideas Of Werner Erhard

And More


The Secret To Being Fulfilled Is Don't Be Unfulfilled

Cowboy Cottage, East Napa, California, USA

March 28, 2023

"With all this manure, there must be pony in here somewhere." ... James Kirkwood embodying Josh Cydney, There Must Be A Pony!

This essay, The Secret To Being Fulfilled Is Don't Be Unfulfilled, is the companion piece to Just ... Don't ... Be ... Late.

It was written at the same time as I am indebted to Alan W ("Wilson") Watts who inspired this conversation.

Jeez! Is this just another trite platitude in the genre? Oh no! What on Earth does it even mean, Laurence Platt(itude): "the secret to being fulfilled is don't be un-fulfilled"? Isn't "be fulfilled" and "don't be unfulfilled" really just the same point on a circular path? and to become fulfilled, couldn't you begin with either?

I know. It is counter-intuitive, that's for sure. But then again, a lot of transformative* thinking, semantics, and language is very counter-intuitive. So don't go dismissing it out of hand without first trying it on for size. What "trying it on for size" means is letting go of your own already-assessment of them being on a circular path. If you don't do that (that's really better stated as "if we  don't do that" because we all do it), what we all end up with is what we already got: not being fulfilled ie being unfulfilled then trying to fix being unfulfilled in order to become fulfilled. So now I'm asking you to let go of what you already got, to stand outside of it. I'm asking you to look and see if "the secret to being fulfilled is don't be unfulfilled", when gotten newly, actually has enormous value.

Let's begin with: I assert becoming fulfilled is not a cause célèbre. Really. Life in its natural state, is fulfilled like a possibility. To live life's natural state, is to be fulfilled. It's axiomatic: when we live life in its natural state, we're fulfilled - or at least when we live life in its natural state (which means nothing less and nothing more than when we just be), it goeswith  (as Alan Watts may have said) being fulfilled. There's nothing that's required, to be fulfilled. Being fulfilled is our true nature. And I'm asking you to begin with being already fulfilled like a possibility, not with trying to fix being unfulfilled in order to become fulfilled.

But doesn't that trivialize becoming fulfilled? Doesn't that marginalize the whole problem of being unfulfilled? Aren't they the same point on a circular path?

Consider the problem of being unfulfilled: the problem of being unfulfilled is that we add  it to life's natural state of being fulfilled. That's a big problem. We don't allow for life to be exactly the way it is. We pile on "This isn't  it.". More that that, we pile on "This can't  be it.". We pile on "Life isn't  fulfilling" and / or (even worse) "Life can't  be fulfilling" which we then live as a self-fulfilling prophesy  ie which we then live as a self-un-fulfilling prophesy. We are  that life isn't fulfilling, that it can't be fulfilling ... and eventually it really does occur as unfulfilling. Then we're unfulfilled - which we cement in place by justifying it.

Ergo, the secret to being fulfilled is don't be unfulfilled - as simple and as platitudinous as it sounds. Consider that it really is as simple as that: just give up piling on being unfulfilled! Don't strive to become fulfilled: rather, let go of piling on being unfulfilled. Give it up. This IS  it. Exactly like this, exactly this way, life itself is already fulfilled. Life itself already goeswith being fulfilled, still we keep piling on being unfulfilled. How so? We keep piling it on through linguistic acts like justifications, judgements, opinions, interpretations, and beliefs). Stop doing that. Let it go. Stop trying to fix being unfulfilled in order to become fulfilled. Stop piling on being unfulfilled. Without piling on being unfulfilled, what's there is just being, exactly the way it is, already fulfilled - like a possibility.

This is the no-secret secret to being fulfilled: don't be unfulfilled. Don't add it, don't pile it on, don't justify it, and don't lie about it. It's simple, so simple ...

* Transformative or transformational?

transformative: causing  transformation

transformational: pertaining to  transformation

Citation: wikidiff

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