Conversations For Transformation: Essays Inspired By The Ideas Of Werner Erhard

Conversations For Transformation

Essays By Laurence Platt

Inspired By The Ideas Of Werner Erhard

And More

To There Through Here:

Heaven Via Dallas

Larkmead Lane, Calistoga, California, USA

August 13, 2008

This essay, To There Through Here: Heaven Via Dallas, is the companion piece to
  1. Low Road
  2. The Only Way Out Is Through
in that order.

It is also the first in a trilogy on Heaven:

It's a joke (sage wisdom actually) often told in the frequent flyers'  lounges: if you want to get to heaven, you have to change planes in Dallas. That is to say (for the purposes of this  conversation) if you want to get to the sacred you have to allow for the profane. Spoken with rigor, if you want to get beyond  the profane, if you want to get out of  the profane, you have to go through the profane.

Photograph courtesy
Dallas / Fort Worth Airport
"The only way out is through ..."

With 20/20 hindsight  anything profound appears simple. What's interesting about us human beings is if something appears simple, we become inured to it. We've trained ourselves to be skeptical of it. We've become conditioned  to step over it. Somewhere along the line we bought into ie we invested in cleverness  as prudent - big  time. We got clever ... too  clever for our own good, perhaps. "You've got  to be kidding me!" we say. "It can't  be that  simple?". If it's that  simple, we assert our intelligence  by diminishing any possible impact it may have on our lives. We're right. We know  life isn't easy. We're clever. Don't tell us life is easy! You can't con us  into believing life is easy ... We've learned. We know  life is hard (isn't it interesting how life then obliges us by manifesting what we know  and shows up hard? ... but that's another conversation for another occasion ...).

It's a pity, because life is  simple. It's really easy. That's why children have no difficulty having fun playing all the time - if we let them. Adults, on the other hand, have learned. Man! Have we learned ... We've become clever, too  clever. We're too clever  to have fun.

Having now set a context, here's something simple, something so obvious it's imminently in danger of being ignored irrespective of its enormous value: whatever I'm resisting in my life right now, the way to move on past it is to go through it. To "go through it" doesn't imply giving in  to it, becoming resigned  to it, submitting  to it, or even dealing with  it. If, indeed, going through it implies anything at all, it implies choosing it. In other words, it implies choosing what's already so. No guesswork. No figuring out. Simple? You bet! Too  simple? Be careful: that's  the trap.

If I resist it, I don't experience it. If I don't experience it, it doesn't disappear. If it doesn't disappear, it persists. If it persists, all I can do is change it, add to it, or take something away from it. I can even edit  it ie try to come up with a different interpretation  or meaning for it. And then when it's changed or added to or taken away from or edited, what's left is still always an offshoot of what I resisted in the first place - like cutting a graft from a grapevine, it may look like a fresh start but eventually it'll produce the same old grapes.

The way to get anywhere other than where you already are is to be with where you already are. It has to be OK here before it'll be better there. If it's not OK here, it won't be any better anywhere else. If you aren't OK going through Dallas, you won't get to heaven. It isn't simply good Zen  to go "to there through here". It isn't simply good Zen to go to "heaven via Dallas". It's more than that: the frequent flyers say it's unlikely there's any other better way to get there. Really!

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