Since we've all begun processing through what happened on Tuesday
September 11, 2001, I've participated in many, many conversations, all
of which started with what happened, and then quickly lost their
distinction from and devolved into the story about what happened.
Someone said the following to me (and I'm keeping her name private
because while she may be
as being totally callous, her distinction is also
razor sharp,
terse, and accurate). She said:
What happened was two airplanes flew into two buildings.
Food for thought, yes? That is what happened. And what
ensued is the mother of all stories about what happened ...
On another level, the chance to look at how deeply we're reactivated by
this - on every imaginable level - is a never before presented
opportunity to observe the reactivation
we are.
Not only can you make a difference out of what happened, but if you
insist, you can also learn something profound from it about
who we all really are
as interdependent reactivation
And if you can get all of what I just said, and still not lose sight of
the awful consequences of what happened, you're a BIG person.