Conversations For Transformation: Essays Inspired By The Ideas Of Werner Erhard

Conversations For Transformation

Essays By Laurence Platt

Inspired By The Ideas Of Werner Erhard

And More

When The Whole World Speaks With One Voice

In-Shape Health Club, Napa, California, USA

March 12, 2020

"Those who have ears, let them hear." ... Jesus Christ

This essay, When The Whole World Speaks With One Voice, is the sequel to It's Who You're Being.

It is also the prequel to the eighth trilogy Breakfast With The Master:
  1. Breakfast With The Master VIII: What People Crave
  2. Breakfast With The Master VIII II: Keep Talking
  3. Breakfast With The Master VIII III: Fearless In The Face Of Life
in that order.

I am indebted to Larry Pearson and to David Cunningham who inspired this conversation, and to Patricia "Patti" Zentara and to David Cunningham who contributed material.

Section from poster for

A Film by Robyn Symon:
The Life and Legacy of Werner Erhard

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When the whole world speaks with one voice

In HG (Herbert George) Wells' sci-fi classic The War of the Worlds, it was viruses that saved  us from being inexorably and inevitably overrun by alien invaders. In Well's saga, human beings had developed immunity to viruses after our centuries on Earth. The alien invaders had none. After causing immense disruption, chaos, and havoc, they were neutralized suddenly, totally, jaw-droppingly with merciless, lethal effect, succumbing to that against which they had no natural immunity. HG Wells postulated that we, having developed that immunity over time, had earned our right to live here. And now we're in a situation in which a new virus to which we're not  (yet) immune, dominates us aliens - or is at least altering our life as we know it. And in the midst of these unprecedented times, I'm touched, moved, and inspired.

Say whut?  What can possibly be touching, moving, and inspiring in a global pandemic, the likes of which hasn't been seen in most of our lifetimes, Laurence? What can possibly be touching, moving, and inspiring during the dislocation, interruption, fear, uncertainty, and suffering we are currently in the midst of, and are hearing?

Remember suffering is exacerbated when we collapse the distinctions "what's happening" with "the story about what's happening". When I distinguish the story about what's happening, and stand instead in the reality of what's happening, what moves me to tears is I hear the whole world speaking with one voice. People everywhere on our planet, are in the same conversation (or soon will be). It's unprecedented. And now that the whole world is speaking with one voice, I'm touched, moved, and inspired. This never happens. We're at odds with each other for this reason or for that reason. This sect is at odds with that sect. These politics are at odds with those politics. We never  speak with one voice. But now  we do. It ... blows ... me ... away ... when I hear the whole world speaking with one voice: the voice of humanity.

Consider this: we're all speaking with one voice now, given our very survival is at stake. Indeed the conversation we're in now is driven  by survival, yes? And what this reveals is what we've lost all credibility in: the whole world can speak with one voice (the survival conversation we're in now, proves it). What interests me is this: what would it be like ie what could we accomplish if the whole world spoke with its one voice, not just in these times of imminent threat to our survival but simply whenever we took responsibility for our planet, and spoke with one voice to deal with concerns like hunger and climate change? We can speak with one voice to manage a virus. It's the same ability to speak with one voice to manage anything  concerning us collectively, yes? especially that with which we're not dealing, yet will soon need to.

Apropos life on Earth, the idea that "we're all in this together" isn't new. What's new is the world is now speaking it with one voice. That's what's new: I can hear the voice of the whole world, the voice of humanity. If, just for a moment, you go beyond the fear and trepidation of the content of what's being spoken (going beyond it doesn't mean ignoring it or disrespecting it or downplaying its urgency), you can hear something that's rarely if ever  heard: the whole world speaking it in unison. And that's what's new. This is our power. This is our humanity. This is our divinity. Now that it's proven the whole world can speak with one voice, we can focus it on any  urgent matters responsibly - and not just on that which now threatens our survival, but on anything to which we need to pay attention to ensure a sustainable future.

Transformation (and with it, freedom) results when "the story about what's happening" is distinguished, then (like alcohol or nicotine) dropped. When we deal directly with "what's happening" instead, that's life the way it is ie that's reality. When the whole world speaks with one voice dealing with life the way it is ie with reality, we're free, and anything is achievable in our collective sustainable future. That possibility touches, moves, and inspires me. Irregardless of how we got here, we're now here.

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