Conversations For Transformation: Essays Inspired By The Ideas Of Werner Erhard

Conversations For Transformation

Essays By Laurence Platt

Inspired By The Ideas Of Werner Erhard

And More

Wherever I Am, Here You Are

Chateau Montelena, Calistoga, California, USA

May 2, 2016

This essay, Wherever I Am, Here You Are, is the companion piece to
  1. Here And There
  2. My Heart And You
in that order.

I'm in the midst of articulating for her ie I'm in the midst of expressing for her what it is for me to be around her, how much I enjoy being around her. We're kindred spirits. We're soul mates. We were joined at the hip  (if you will) at a very early age. It's more than that actually. It's she makes it possible for me to get ie she makes it possible for me to live  we're all  kindred spirits (and aren't we?). At some point, without much effort on my part, what comes out of my mouth ie what I hear literally falling  out of my mouth, are my words "Wherever I am, here you are.". Interimly they're addressed to her. Ultimately they're addressed to humanity at large.

"I know exactly what you mean" she says. "That's such  a great realization. It's about who we are for each other - I mean it's about who we really  are for each other. When I get it, there are no edges separating us. The lines between us become blurred. It's just one being. There's only the being  of 'human being' - which is to say we're  just one being, the being of 'human being'. And as long as we're here ie as long as we're on the planet, we each get to play in a starring role as a separate, responsible human being ... and  ... we separate, responsible human beings each always retain the access to our essential commonality as the being of human being.".

It's not an easy idea for me to communicate. It's an even less easy idea for her (or for anyone else, for that matter) to grasp. But she does  grasp it. She gets it. I can tell she does. She gets the idea of the being of human being. It's a grand idea, the grasping of which is simple  ... but it's not easy. And yet it's imminently getable.

Having gotten it, she doesn't rest there on her laurels for long. Her eyes are bright, shining, and alive. She challenges me playfully, asking "There's just one thing, Laurence Platt: don't you mean 'Wherever I am, there  you are' rather than 'Wherever I am, here  you are'? 'Wherever you are' is there"  she says (pointing at me), "so you should say 'Wherever I am, there  you are'". "No no, not really" I say, "I really do mean 'Wherever I am, here you are'!".

I can tell from the look on her face she doesn't quite get this aspect of it (or at least not yet) - or that she's still wrestling with this aspect of it. So I say "To make this point clearer, let's assume it's true that where you are for me, is there"  I say, pointing at her. "But where are you for yourself?"  I persist. She gets my question. She groks  (as Robert Heinlein may have said) where I'm going with this. "I'm here"  she says, pointing to her head (listen: we're not what's in our heads, but that gesture is good enough for jazz). "Exactly" I say, "and where I am for myself, is 'here' too" I say, pointing to my head. "That's why 'Wherever I am, there  you are' is only apropos us playing in starring roles as separate, responsible human beings. Yet apropros both of us as the being of human being, it's 'Wherever I am, here  you are.'".

A delicious, tangible, palpable quiet ensues. These are the moments we cherish. These are the times when the power of language driven ideas to open not only new doors but to open new worlds, is apparent. And this is  a new world. This is a new world in which it's our essential ground of being ie in which it's who we really  are rather than who we think  we are or who we'd like  to be, which is paramount and accessible. It's authentic. It's simple but it's not easy. Yet it's imminently getable.

I break the silence. "There's one more piece to this" I say, "It's this: when I say 'Where I am for myself, is here', I don't actually mean in  here", pointing to my head (to my eyes, to my brain, actually). "All that's in here is machinery embedded in hamburger. No, where I am for myself is out-here where life is actually lived.". "Don't you mean out there?"  she asks. "No no, not really" I say, "I really do mean out-here. That's another conversation entirely. To be continued  - OK?". "OK!" she smiles.

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