Conversations For Transformation: Essays Inspired By The Ideas Of Werner Erhard

Conversations For Transformation

Essays By Laurence Platt

Inspired By The Ideas Of Werner Erhard

And More


Zoom With The Master

Cowboy Cottage, East Napa, California, USA

May 7, 2023

This essay, Zoom With The Master, is the first an in open group Zoom With The Master:
  1. Zoom With The Master
  2. Zoom With The Master II
so far, in that order.

The open group Zoom With Master, is the sequel to the trilogy Breakfast With The Master X:
  1. Breakfast With The Master X: Living In A Story
  2. Breakfast With The Master X II: Don't Believe In The Buddha
  3. Breakfast With The Master X III: Broadening Horizons
in that order.

I'm ready at my desk at sunrise, a half an hour early actually, my IBM / Lenovo L14 Gen 1  Windows 10 laptop computer in front of me, its Zoom app open fullscreen, a revolving circle confirming I'm connected to Zoom while waiting for him to log on. Then the revolving circle disappears and his face comes into focus ... gradually. At first I conceptualize this as our digital  connection. But it's not. It's our connection  - period. For me it's simply a privilege to be here connected with him like this. I don't envision a "tell me about / how to"  connection, rather a "being in the presence of / speaking and listening"  connection.

That said, it's "speaking and listening" that gives "being in the presence of". And it's "being in the presence of" that's the source for me, the osmosis. It just takes being in his presence to get what a master is - said more pointedly, to get who a master be's  (you don't get this sort of thing by reading a textbook).

There's a certain quality he has about him, a certain je ne sais quoi, a certain something I'm present to and have been present to for forty five years every time we've interacted. It's something he's never without, no matter what he's doing. At work or leisure, it's always present, a constant true north  of being.

That's the quality I'm enamored with, one I admire greatly - revere, in fact. And this time I get something about it that's truly profound. This time I even get something about it newly. What I get is this: this particular quality's not a "je ne sais quoi"  after all. That's French for "I don't know what", and I do  know what that something is he's never without. I do know what it is (not knowing's got nothing to do with it). But until now, it's been the backgound - like air for the bird / water for the fish. And this  time, I get it sharper, more urgently than I have ever before, enough to discover it for myself clearer than ever before.

And what it is, is this: being a master is not a part-time job. You can quote me on that. It's a total, all in, 1,000% full on  way of being, 24 / 7 / 365. Being at work or at leisure's got nothing to do with it. Once a master, always  a master. It really is "always". That's what I got newly about this quality he brings: it's perpetual. It's not part-time. It's a full-time job. And if my calling it a "job" makes too much of the doing  of it, then I'll rephrase that as: it's a perpetual, full-time, 24 / 7 / 365 way of Being, the difference between them being that "doing" evokes all things we do, and it's "way of Being" that evokes all we are.

Around him ie when I'm interacting with him, there's no lapse in his integrity. Not once. Ever. And if there's a lapse, he clears it up even before I register it as a lapse. Nothing gets stepped over. Nothing gets swept under the rug. He be's  that integrity is the context for it all. He is  that. And he never lapses into gossip. Ever. And if I myself lapse into gossip around him (as I'm wont to do from time to time) he either doesn't respond to it at all, or if he does respond it's with a knowing smile that says "I'm not touching that", leaving me on the verge of the inquiry "He didn't touch that, but I  did. What's that  all about?".

Gossip isn't innocuous. It can hurt. In the context of conversations for transformation, gossip is petty, time-wasting small-talk contradistinguished from the bigness that's possible with language. And he's living proof of the bigness that's possible with language (around him, it's perpetual, full-time, 24 / 7 / 365).

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