Conversations For Transformation: Essays Inspired By The Ideas Of Werner Erhard

Conversations For Transformation

Essays By Laurence Platt

Inspired By The Ideas Of Werner Erhard

And More


Deal With "Your Body" Not "Health Issues"

Cowboy Cottage, East Napa, California, USA

August 2, 2023

"The physical universe is my guru."
answering the question "Many people have a guru. Who is your guru?" 
This essay, Deal With "Your Body" Not "Health Issues", is the companion piece to
  1. Hungry Eat Tired Sleep
  2. This Is It Too
in that order.

It is also the fourth in the sextology Dealing With:
  1. Dealing With Life: A Tale Of Two Contexts
  2. Dealing With Tribulation
  3. That Which Deals With The Circumstances
  4. Deal With "Your Body" Not "Health Issues"
  5. Momentum: Dealing With It All
  6. Not As A Lens Between Me And What I'm Dealing With
in that order.

It was written at the same time as This Is It Too.

I am indebted to Larry Pearson who inspired this conversation.

It's very subtle. There's actually a difference between "This is it!", and living like  "This is it!". What's the difference? Try this on for size: "This is it!" runs the risk of becoming a pat presumption, a bon mot, something you'd find in a Chinese fortune cookie. And look: it's likely there's no real power in it anyway as a bon mot ... whereas living like "This is it!" calls me to be powerful, to take action, to be in action. Getting "This is it!" as a good idea only, runs the risk of it devolving into just another attempt at faux understanding ie of devolving into something simply cerebral with minimal power and little leverage for living. So to recap (to be clear): living like "This is it!" applies the leverage of "This is it!", yet merely getting "This is it!" doesn't necessarily apply any leverage at all. That may be why he phrased his question as "Where are you living like 'This is it!'?" instead of just asserting "This is it!" (like I said, the difference is subtle).

As I listened and reached for answers to his question, I noticed something both surprising as well as interesting, which is this: I actually have more answers, many  more answers, to the unasked question "Where are you living like 'This isn't  it'?" than to the question "Where are you living like 'This is it!'?". That really got me. I saw I'm more pre-occupied with the former "Where are you living like 'This isn't it'?" than with the latter "Where are you living like 'This is it!'?". And then, as if right on cue, he asked his next question: "Where are you living like 'This isn't it'?" (the synchronicity of it didn't surprise me one iota).

Now between you and me, I would characterize my family relationships as great. I mean truly  great. And yet when it comes to family relationships, I have always got room for improvement. And that's why I included them in my answer to his "Where are you living like 'This isn't it'?": "Family relationships aren't fully  it; the political landscape definitely  isn't it; health issues (I'm 73, I notice one or two) aren't it.". And then I sat back. And waited. What would he say?

What he said, straight back at me without a pause, was "Deal with 'your body'  not 'health issues'.". At first I thought he'd trivialized what I'd shared. I mean aren't they the same thing?  After a moment ... it dawned on me: I got his compassion, support, and coaching (the pause was like that not-so-imperceptible delay after a jet flies overhead before the sonic boom hits). Articulating "your / my body" is specific, "health issues" is vague; "my body" is physical, "health issues" is cerebral; "my body" lives in finite space and time, "health issues" doesn't; I can deal with "my body" in ways I can not deal with "health issues".

And then he added something that totally altered what's possible for me in my relationship with my body. He said: "Your doctor  has 'health issues'; you  have 'your body'" (I won't spoil it by explaining it: sit with it in your lap like a hot brick, and you'll get it). I was stunned. What a powerful way of focusing on the physical universe and not on the intellectual  universe! What a powerful way of taking charge! What a direct access to the what's so  physical-ness of what there is to deal with as a corporeal human being, bypassing most if not all of the fear, trepidation, and distracted concerns surrounding "health issues"!

This isn't a denial of thorough medical diagnoses. Rather, it's an access to being responsible for "my body" and for how I deal with it, rather than macerating in the vague, less-certain arena of "health issues". Articulating "health issues" as "my body" (languaging  it that way) expands the domains I have access to.

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