Conversations For Transformation: Essays Inspired By The Ideas Of Werner Erhard

Conversations For Transformation

Essays By Laurence Platt

Inspired By The Ideas Of Werner Erhard

And More



Dealing With It All

Cayetano Creek, Napa Valley, California, USA

January 12, 2024

"The physical universe is my guru."
answering the question "Many people have a guru. Who is your guru?" 
"You don't get to vote on the way it is. You already did."
"It is important that you get clear for yourself that your only access to impacting life is action. The world does not care what you intend, how committed you are, how you feel, or what you think, and certainly it has no interest in what you want and don't want. Take a look at life as it is lived and see for yourself that the world only moves for you when you act."
This essay, Momentum: Dealing With It All, is the companion piece to A New Beginning: Momentum.

It is also the fifth in the hexalogy Dealing With:
  1. Dealing With Life: A Tale Of Two Contexts
  2. Dealing With Tribulation
  3. That Which Deals With The Circumstances
  4. Deal With "Your Body" Not "Health Issues"
  5. Momentum: Dealing With It All
  6. Not As A Lens Between Me And What I'm Dealing With
in that order.

I am indebted to Clare Erhard who inspired this conversation.

In life, there's a lot to deal with - so much so that it's not trivial to say our lives are completely filled with dealing with our lives. With that duly noted, I've begun considering the most efficient ways I can deal with everything I have to deal with, especially including everything I'd rather not have to deal with at all. The physical universe's unavoidable, un-ignorable dictatorial, tyrannical decrees  demand that I deal with what I have to deal with. There's no way out.

In demanding that I deal with whatever I have to deal with, the physical universe cares not a whit about what a great guy I am, nor about the good deeds I've done in life (it gives me no trade discounts or cut slack), it cares not a whit about what I intend, how committed I am, how I feel, or what I think, and certainly it has no interest in what I want and don't want. Oh boy, the very idea that the physical universe has no interest in what we want and don't want, dies hard - does it not? But it's what's so. "What's so" is the physical universe's dictatorial, tyrannical demands it makes on us with which we have to deal.

Try this on for size: things are never any way other than  what's so. Don't lie about it. What's so rules. If you lie about it or if you deny it, that's what's so. If you tell the truth about it or if you accept it, that's also what's so. That much is clear. Now there's what's so ... and then there's what I add  to what's so: my opinions, my preferences, my complaints, my disagreements, my resistance etc. And look: adding something to what's so, is a trap. How so, Laurence?

Like so: dealing with what's so, is sometimes bad enough. So the less we add to what's so, it bodes well for us because now there's less for us to deal with. But now notice when I say "what's so ... is sometimes bad enough", isn't that the trap? Doesn't that add "bad enough" to what's so?  Maybe a better way of holding this, is "What's so, is what's so.". That's what makes for less to deal with. Before, I was dealing with what's so plus  what I added to what's so. Now, I'm only dealing with what's so. And whereas I have almost no dominion over what's so, I have almost total dominion over what I add to what's so.

There's a compelling freedom that goeswith  (as Alan Watts may have said) distinguishing what there is to deal with this way. It's this: even when I don't know  the best course of action to take next, even when I inadvertently do what doesn't work at all or is inappropriate to the task at hand, no matter what the outcome, that's what there is to deal with next. What's so always  serves up the next thing to deal with, whether I'm ready or not, or whether I know what to do or not. In considering the most efficient ways of dealing with everything I have to deal with, and especially including that with which I'd rather not have to deal at all, the starting point is taking on dealing with it all. And when there's nothing left to deal with, what's so (like Doritos) will make more.

The momentum with which I get things done (my momentum of dealing with it all) is directly correlated to how fast I revert to dealing with what's so, and not with what I add to what's so. That's mastery (the beginning of mastery is that what you are mastering at least comes up for you immediately when you have failed with what you are mastering, that is to say, you consistently immediately catch yourself). Indeed, the velocity  with which I deal with that which is there for me to deal with, is directly correlated with how fast I'll catch myself being invested in what I'm adding to what's so, and relinquishing it.

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