Conversations For Transformation: Essays Inspired By The Ideas Of Werner Erhard

Conversations For Transformation

Essays By Laurence Platt

Inspired By The Ideas Of Werner Erhard

And More

We The Excellent Ones

Frog's Leap, Rutherford, California, USA

April 5, 2013

This essay, We The Excellent Ones, is the prequel to Excellence, Newly.

Like all the damsels and their knights of this great round table, here we are: the excellent ones.

Qualifying for this community is easy: just be excellent. Simple.

Now, ordinarily being excellent isn't considered simple. Or easy. Ordinarily being excellent calls for action beyond the level of performance usually considered acceptable. Ordinarily being excellent is considered being something practiced, something skilled, something talented, something special.

Look: that's the business as usual  way of considering excellence. Being excellent in the way I'm expounding being excellent in this  conversation, calls for nothing  special. Being excellent in the way I'm expounding being excellent, doesn't require doing anything special.

In this conversation, what I have in mind by you being excellent is you being your natural Self - that is, you being your natural excellent  Self. And Self, in the way I'm distinguishing it here, is Self as context.

Self as context  is excellent. Clearly. Don't lie about it. There's nothing to do to make Self as context excellent. It already is. Self, by its very nature as context, embodies excellence. Self, by its very nature as context, is  excellence. There's more to it than that actually. It's Self as context, is the required backdrop  against which excellence shows up, yes?

So to qualify for this community, that's all there is to do: be your natural excellent Self. But look! You're already doing it and you're already being it. In fact you already are  it. And that's why there's nothing to do. To be excellent in the way I'm expounding being excellent in this conversation, be the excellence you already are  as context.

In this community, this community of we the excellent ones, there's no pretentiousness. There's no wanting to be something. There's no striving to be someone. There's no trying to be any particular way. Being excellent in this way, there's no elitism. Being excellent in this way, there's no snobbery. Being excellent in this way, there's no superiority. Being who we really are, no human being is lower ranked than anyone else - and no human being is higher  ranked than anyone else, for that matter. The Self by its Self for its Self is evenhandedly excellent. For everyone. With no one and nothing left out.

Notice being excellent this way, notice being we the excellent ones, calls for granting excellence to everyone, it calls for granting everyone else being excellent also.


Although my observation written is "Notice being excellent this way, notice being we the excellent ones, calls for granting excellence to everyone, it calls for granting everyone else being excellent also", I can take about as much credit for what it points to  as I can take for any observation I may make of gravity. While my expression  of it is original, the workability  of what I'm pointing to goeswith  Life itself (as Alan Watts may have said).

My observation, then, doesn't propound anything new. Rather it simply looks into the space and reports on what's already there. That is, it simply looks into the space and observes what's so.


We  (that's You and I) are the excellent ones - all  of us. We bring excellence forward as context. Our excellence is because context is excellent and context is who we are  ... and  ... we stand for excellence like a possibility  - for ourselves, for each other, and for everyone. Being excellent for ourselves and for each other and for everyone like this, calls forth the possibility of all human being calling forth the possibility of all human beings' excellence.

In this way, the population of human beings who stand for and declare themselves included among all the damsels and their knights of this great round table ie among the population of human beings who stand for and declare themselves included in this worldwide community of we the excellent ones, ongoingly and inexorably  expands.

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