Conversations For Transformation: Essays Inspired By The Ideas Of Werner Erhard

Conversations For Transformation

Essays By Laurence Platt

Inspired By The Ideas Of Werner Erhard

And More


Nashville, Tennessee, USA

June 13, 2000

This essay, Communication, is the first in a quadrilogy on Communication:
  1. Communicatio
  2. Terse Transformed Communication
  3. A Certain Quality Of Communication
  4. When I Communicate Clearly, You're A Better Communicator
in that order.

Upon reflection, there seems to be two basic forms of communication. The first form of communication is commentary. With commentary, the communicator is like a reporter in the stands at a game describing the game. With commentary, the communicator has no power over the game. With commentary, the communicator can't impact the game. With commentary, it's the game which drives the communicator.

Commentary is the cheap talk referred to in the adage "talk is cheap".

The second form of communication is what Werner refers to as generative  communication. With generative communication, the communicator isn't merely describing a game. Rather, with generative communication, the communicator actually causes the game.

If commentary is the communication of a reporter in the stands at a game describing the game, then generative communication is the communication of the quarterback on the field causing the game.

With generative communication, the communicator has power over the game. With generative communication, the communicator impacts the game. With generative communication, it's the communicator who drives the game. Real power lives in generative communication.

The conversation for transformation is generative communication. If it lapses into mere commentary, if we simply talk about  transformation without generating it, then it doesn't work and we should be wary not to damage it by relegating it to the realm of jargon, beliefs, concepts, assessments, and opinions.

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