Super Fino Montecristi Fedora
Price $1,000.00
How does this apply to promising to be creative? What
can you put in place to support yourself fulfilling on your
promise to be creative? What might this look like? Here's
one possible scenario from
Conversations For
glass walled studio.
It specifically supports me promising to create at a future date,
without yet knowing at the time what I'm going to create exactly:
Throw your hat over the wall ie make a promise to create;
Follow your hat over the wall ie keep your promise;
Find your hat when you get there ie fulfill on your promise.
Engaging in this inquiry, I realize with hindsight
(and hindsight is always 20/20 vision), making a
promise to write two new
Conversations For
a week actually isn't as daunting as it sounds. In fact the only
time it's daunting is when I've lost sight of
who I really am.
Who I really am
is my word. In
honoring my word as
I recognize my language as the expression of
who I really am.
Therefore as long as I'm alive and being
who I really am,
although I don't yet know exactly what I'm going to say or write in
the future, I can authentically promise to write two new
Conversations For
a week without end ... AND ... it's clear to me it's
possible to reliably fulfill on my promise. It's