I am indebted to Linda Zraik who inspired this conversation.
When I'm good at something I use the truth. When I master something I'm
used by the truth.
Using something as opposed to being used by
something is a distinction which lives in language and in
experience. It isn't useful to ask what that distinction
means because it can't be gotten that way. If you've
mastered something you can, however, look into your experience and see
it for yourself.
What if you don't consider you've mastered anything? You have. There
isn't anybody who shows up with tennis shoes and a tennis raquet who
doesn't play tennis at the level of Self expression. They may not play
at the level of champion but there isn't anybody who doesn't play at
the level of Self expression. That's what Werner says about being
yourself. In this context that's mastery.
Mastery is surrendering to what uses you. You've always been used by
something. Always. The only life worth living starts when you
distinguish what, then commit to it.
conversation for transformation
uses me. I want to be thoroughly used up by it by the time I die. Over
here there's no sense of doing. When I'm in this conversation
there's only being and play. I'm used by it. The result of it using me
this way is you and I engage in conversations for transformation. It's
clear to me I'm used by this conversation to speak transformation. I'm
committed to that your listening for transformation picks what I say in
this conversation.
What's using me is Self expressing itself as itSelf completing its
expression in the world expressing its completion in the world.