Conversations For Transformation: Essays Inspired By The Ideas Of Werner Erhard

Conversations For Transformation

Essays By Laurence Platt

Inspired By The Ideas Of Werner Erhard

And More


Write To Write (Writing To A Mind)

Cowboy Cottage, East Napa, California, USA

February 15, 2023

"When the heart speaks, the mind finds it indecent to object." ... Milan Kundera, The Unbearable Lightness of Being

I am indebted to Jack Rafferty who contributed material for this conversation.

"Why do you write?" she asked. "I write to write" I told her. "I get that" she said, "But what I want to know is why  you write.". Yes she did tell me she got it. But she didn't. I don't write for a why. I don't write for a reason. In fact I eschew the naïvely vaguely hopeful notion that "Things happen for a reason", cocooning us as it does away from the sheer awesome profundity of "Things happen - period.". I don't write for a reason. There's no why. I write to write.

Transformation understood isn't transformation. If I'm writing about  transformation to explain it, I may as well not write anything at all. But if I just write coming from  transformation, it communicates the experience of transformation. So I write coming from transformation, invoking all the human machinery the enterprise of writing draws on. When you read what I've written, it invokes all the human machinery the enterprise of reading draws on. What follows as a natural sequitur  ie as a result naturally bonded with both enterprises, is you get the experience of transformation - or at least you get a good taste of it.

Who knows how this works. Who knows why. Who understands this. I certainly don't. But you and I don't need to understand it. And look: workability (ie whether or not something works) doesn't require my knowing how / understanding. Something either works, or it doesn't. A bicycle with a buckled wheel doesn't work. And the thing is it won't work any more (or any less, for that matter) if I understand it or if I don't. Understanding's got nothing to do with it. Tell the truth now: we all already know that that which we experience as truly profound and worthwhile in life, is beyond / doesn't require understanding.

As the writer of these Conversations For Transformation, I'm interimly writing to a mind. But writing to a mind from  my mind, isn't enough to communicate transformation. Now there's nothing wrong with writing to a mind from my mind. It's just that it's not the milieu of transformation. Ultimately I'm writing from my being to a being. So I'm writing to a mind, coming from my being. When that works, I'll be touching the being that owns the mind I'm writing to.

I write these Conversations For Transformation for you in a way that in the reading of each one, you'll experience a sense of being transformed just by allowing their words to ripple through the oceans of your listening. They'll leave you with an experience of transformation rather than merely impart new information. If you read something I've written and thus have an experience of being transformed, then by definition what I wrote works. I'm clear that these Conversations For Transformation have to be pragmatic - or else they'll fail (there's a certain Zen they must inculcate, or else they're merely dither).

And again, I don't need to know how or why this process works. I do however have some ideas / hazarded guesses I'm not attached to / not invested in, about the various dependencies in the stages of the unfolding / expression of communicating transformation in writing to a mind, in a way that works.

Consider the following schematic representation of communicating transformation when writing to a mind, and thereby touching the being that owns it:


It's the full extent of the communication from being to being that works in sharing transformation. Transformation isn't gotten in the interim communication from mind to mind. That's not its milieu. The process of sharing transformation starts prior to that. It starts with coming from being and writing, deploying the mind (machinery) in the transmission of it, then when it's received by / read by the mind (machinery), it finds a familiar resonance in the being that owns the mind reading it. As the writer of these Conversations For Transformation, I'm a being writing to a mind, thereby touching the being that owns it.

And that's QED  (Quad Erat Demonstrandum - Latin for "that which was to be demonstrated"). It's not only simple. It's the machinery is on full automatic.

"Be all that as it may" I finally said to her, "neither my ulterior motive nor your understanding of this is required. Communicating transformation is a process which has workability. And that's what I do. And I do it because it's what I do. There's no why. I write because I write. I write to write. There's no reason.".

She nodded slowly. This time she did get it. I write to write. There's no reason. In the world in which "Things happen for a reason", that's not an easy get.

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