I'm glad I came. I like it here. I can't think of a better planet to
live life on. So I'm taking off my hat and overcoat. I'll stay a while.
When my time here is done I'll go somewhere else. There are so many
places in the universe to visit. It'll take a while but I've got
eternity. I've got all the time in the world. Actually I've got
all the time in all the worlds.
There are so many things I'd like to do while I'm here. I'd like to
visit the island nations. I've heard the snorkeling is pristine, the
coral reefs breathtaking. That's the thing about this place: the beauty
- if you have an eye open to it - is inspired. Other places I've
traveled through across the universe are harsh, dry, severe, cold, or
hostile. Whoever set the coral reefs in place here clearly made a
statement saying: "I love you with everything I got. When I made these
reefs I knew you would find them some day. They're my calling card to
you. Experience my love as you
in wonder around them.".
I also want to visit the
forests while I'm here. From what I saw on the way here, they're
incredible. They're beautiful to behold, but more than that, they're
the lungs of the planet. I want them to thrive and to grow. They'll
provide Earth with fresh air forever, allowing all other life forms to
thrive too. I'll make it a priority of mine to speak for these
forests, to give them the respect they deserve, to protect them and to
allow them, in turn, to protect this planet.
There's a myriad species of plants and animals here, and there's
nothing like this variety anywhere else in the universe. It's
interesting to me how one place can have such a rich bounty of life. I
haven't yet figured out why some plants and animals are disappearing.
That doesn't seem right. There's more than enough support systems for
everything here to thrive.
But the most awesome life form on this planet is its custodians: beings
called human. Yet of all the things about this planet, its
custodians are also the most curious to me, the most enigmatic. As a
group, they haven't worked out or aligned on what their legacy
for the future of this planet will be. They've been here for quite a
few thousand years already and they still haven't come up with a plan.
And then there's art and literature and music. Of all the things I've
seen here, art and literature and music tell me how alive the creative
spirit is on this planet. It created human beings to live here and to
manage this place then imbued in them the ability to create for
themselves as well. I've never seen art or literature or heard music
anywhere else in the universe. Remarkably, of all the places they could
be found, they're here and nowhere else.
Who I'm being in the matter of my time here is the promise the human
inhabitants of this planet all experience transformation, every single
one of the six or seven billion of them so that more sooner than later
they all get to be that the future success of this planet
is possible with transformation. Their future legacy and a viable
sustainable expansion of beauty and plenty of this planet comes forth
in the transformation of all its custodians, so they'll live life as
who they really are into the possibilities they create to be. When they
live that way, they'll honor themselves as miracles of life. When they
really live that way, they'll honor each other as miracles
of life. And when they live that way, they'll honor this planet as the
miracle of life it really is. I've been told that's an impossible
promise for transformation. I say yes it's possible, even if its
fruition date exceeds my time on Earth.
Now I've been here a while, long enough to have started something. It's
time to move on. Where to go from here? What to do next? I don't know
I'll think of something.