Conversations For Transformation: Essays Inspired By The Ideas Of Werner Erhard

Conversations For Transformation

Essays By Laurence Platt

Inspired By The Ideas Of Werner Erhard

And More

New Era:

An Invitation

Cowboy Cottage, East Napa, California, USA

July 19, 2010

This essay, New Era: An Invitation, is the companion piece to Tempered Tornado.

It was written at the same time as No Platitudes.

This is an invitation.

I'm inviting you to step into a new era with me. And I'm inviting you to invite the people in your life to step into a new era with you.

What  new era? And: who invited me to step into this new era? Who invited me to invite you to step into this new era with me? Who invited me to invite you to invite the people in your life to step into this new era with you?

I invited myself to step into this new era. I invited myself to invite you to step into this new era with me. I invited myself to invite you to invite the people in your life to step into this new era with you.

It's an original invitation, an original new era  invitation. I'm inviting you to create an original new era invitation. For yourself. And for the people in your life. Invite yourself to step into this new era. Invite the people in your life to step into this new era with you.

This is the new era into which I've stepped, into which I'm inviting you to step:

In this new era I come from  things are alright exactly the way they are and exactly the way they aren't. I generate them this way. I'm not dependent on others to remind me things are alright exactly the way they are and exactly the way they aren't, and I'm open to it if they do. I'm not interested in engaging in conversations which forward my opinion that things aren't  alright exactly the way they are and exactly the way they aren't. In fact, in this new era I'm not interested in my opinion about anything. In this new era, if I have an opinion I'll express it like it's just my opinion and not like it's "the truth".

In this new era I'm clear the way I interpret things isn't always the way they really are, and most often isn't. In this new era, I see my story  about what happens is distinct from what really happens. In this new era I can be counted on to recreate this distinction ongoingly.

In this new era there's no dithering and no doubt I'm alright the way I am, have always been alright the way I am, and always will be alright the way I am. In this new era, I'm responsible for the quality of my life, for my future, and for inventing the possibilities for my life. In this new era I've given up  (in the same sense as I've given up nicotine) casting myself in the role of victim  in the drama of my life. In this new era I exercise intentionally forgetting  (when required) to bring back the clean slate at will.

In this new era I no longer see myself as a separate entity contained in a bag of skin, the false perception of which drives the frenzy and panic to survive, my self preservation, my selfishness, my egocentricity. In this new era I'm clear my very being  ie who I really am is inextricably connected to and interconnected with every single human being who's ever walked and whoever will walk the face of Planet Earth in the past, in the present, and in the future. In this new era, I don't simply know this like a rule, like a strategy, like a tenet to live by because it's intelligent. In this new era I know it like the foundation of my life because it's what's so.

This new era begins not when the calendar says we've reached a pivotal year - say, the year 2000 which heralded the new millennium. Neither does this new era begin when the next level of technology changes the way we go about our business as it inevitably will - again. Nor does this new era begin when something catalytic and galvanizing happens in the world like an earthquake or an oil spill. This new era begins with a linguistic act. This new era, the new era I'm speaking about, begins right now  when I declare this new era has begun.

How do you extend an invitation to step into this new era? How do you extend a new era invitation? A new era invitation doesn't have the same business as usual  format as other invitations. In the first instance, a new era invitation isn't sent in a letter by mail - and it may be. A new era invitation is extended by example  ie it's extended by being  a new era invitation. It's extended by being in this new era.

In the second instance, a new era invitation is extended with intention  it'll be accepted yet with without hope  of, or expectation that, or attachment to it'll be accepted. That doesn't mean you don't care  if it's accepted or not. It means its acceptance is a function of your intention it'll be accepted, rather than of your hope of, or of your expectation that, or of your attachment to it'll be accepted. Being complete with extending a new era invitation doesn't require its being accepted. Being complete with extending a new era invitation only requires extending a new era invitation. As soon as there's hope of, or expectation that, or attachment to it'll be accepted, then instead of being a new era invitation, it's just more business as usual.

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