Conversations For Transformation: Essays Inspired By The Ideas Of Werner Erhard

Conversations For Transformation

Essays By Laurence Platt

Inspired By The Ideas Of Werner Erhard

And More


A Fountainhead Of Clarity And Power

Cowboy Cottage, East Napa, California, USA

April 18, 2021

This essay, A Fountainhead Of Clarity And Power, is the first in the ninth trilogy Breakfast With The Master:
  1. A Fountainhead Of Clarity And Power
  2. Conversation With A Laser II
  3. Being A Being Coach II
in that order.
The first trilogy Breakfast With The Master is:
  1. Conversation With A Laser
  2. Shut Up And Do What You're Doing
  3. Secret Agent
in that order.
The second trilogy Breakfast With The Master is:
  1. Breakfast With The Master II: Future Health
  2. Breakfast With The Master II: Future Finances
  3. Breakfast With The Master II: Future Open
in that order.
The third trilogy Breakfast With The Master is:
  1. Raw Power
  2. It Works Better As A Possibility
  3. Magic At Heart
in that order.
The fourth trilogy Breakfast With The Master is:
  1. Breakfast With The Master IV: Parental Care
  2. Breakfast With The Master IV: Taking The Guilt Out Of It
  3. Breakfast With The Master IV: Language As Music
in that order.
The fifth trilogy Breakfast With The Master is:
  1. Whatever Works
  2. Yesterday's Transformation
  3. Billions And Billions Of Stars
in that order.
The sixth trilogy Breakfast With The Master is:
  1. Breakfast With The Master VI: Doo-Wop, Coffee, And Intention
  2. Breakfast With The Master VI II: Cherish These Days
  3. Breakfast With The Master VI III: Forwarding The Fulfillment
in that order.
The seventh trilogy Breakfast With The Master is:
  1. We're Here
  2. Being A Being Coach
  3. You Already Got It
in that order.
The eighth trilogy Breakfast With The Master is:
  1. Breakfast With The Master VIII: What People Crave
  2. Breakfast With The Master VIII II: Keep Talking
  3. Breakfast With The Master VIII III: Fearless In The Face Of Life
in that order.
The tenth trilogy Breakfast With The Master is:
  1. Breakfast With The Master X: Living In A Story
  2. Breakfast With The Master X II: Don't Believe In The Buddha
  3. Breakfast With The Master X III: Broadening Horizons
in that order.
The ninth trilogy Breakfast With The Master is the sequel to Carefully Chosen words.

There's nothing quite like being in the presence of someone who's all "there" - that is to say there's nothing quite like being present to someone who's fully present. Most of us, to be sure, demonstrate some "being present" occasionally, but only in some areas of some of our lives some of the time. For example, most of us light up when we talk about moi  ie when we talk about ourselves. Yet we go dark when we're listening others - supposedly even closely.

Not he. He's simply ... all ... there  ... all the time in all areas of his life, whether he's sharing his own life, or whether he's listening me sharing mine. Always there. All the time. No lapses. It's all one seamless, unflagging whole with him.

If just for a day, if just for an hour or even if just for one moment, his being fully present not just in one or two areas of his life but in the totality  of his life ie his being all there across the board, would be rare enough in any one person. And it would definitely be extremely rare for any one person to be all there in all areas of their life all the time. But then when I consider his being all there all the time, has gone on uninterrupted and continuously, seamlessly, in fact ever more inexorably powerfully for the near forty three years I've known him, that's when I get the feeling we're not in Kansas anymore, Dorothy. This isn't business as usual. This is an entirely new possibility. It's a new world. This is a whole new way of being, a new kind of ball game.

When he speaks, he's the demonstration of everything he says. Integrity. Workability. Being free to be and free to act. Everything. And what he says, is the demonstration of who he is. Clear. Powerful. Exemplary. Walking the talk. No lapses. There are no exceptions, no loose edges, no good-enough's, no close's. His is not a preparation ie it's not a dress-rehearsal for real  life. This is fully who he is always, all the time. His is the light illuminating a billboard sign proclaiming "THIS IS IT!".

And look: you could say he has the space ie the permission  to be this way only because this is private, personal time, or because I'm the only other person here, so there's a freedom to be this way in the certain unfetteredness that the privacy affords us. No. The way he's being 24 / 7 / 365-fully-present-right-now is exactly the way he is whenever I've watched him on any public world stage anywhere also, as well as in his off-duty  social time. Any occasion with him is as if I'm sitting in front of and am witnessing a gushing fountainhead of clarity and power. And the dial is turned way up ie all the way  up (oh, and there's no off-switch). No exceptions.

There's no time out  in the way he lives. With him it's always full on, always full-tilt all the time. It's awesome, it's daunting ... and  ... it's a possibility for me too. I notice I have an aspiration to being this way. And he is, after all, my being  coach, so my rationale is: if he can be this way? then so can I! ie if it's possible for him to be this way, then it's possible for me (and for everyone else as well) too. That's real coaching: be  this way, not do  this way. Mastery by design. Mastery by osmosis.

I begin to let in that the way he's being, is not just to put on an impressive show - and mark my words: his is  an impressive show, a very  impressive one. No. His is an invitation. He's tacitly inviting people (me certainly, but not limited to me - everyone  is invited) to be this way. How does he do that? One of the ways he does it is by making it all look so easy. That's the thing: the way he's being, vanquishes all doubt that being fully present all the time, is a possibility (OK, what about vacations, Laurence? Easy: close your eyes for ten seconds, and imagine a beach!). It's this that elevates his invitation beyond the ordinary, and into the realm of the must-have.

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