Conversations For Transformation: Essays Inspired By The Ideas Of Werner Erhard

Conversations For Transformation

Essays By Laurence Platt

Inspired By The Ideas Of Werner Erhard

And More

Being A Being Coach

San Francisco, California, USA

March 26, 2019

"When you're coming from transformation, that is to say when you're being transformed, you really don't need any special materials to train people. You could simply stand up and read them the dictionary or the telephone directory, and they'd get it."
... Laurence Platt recreating  
This essay, Being A Being Coach, is the companion piece to The Muse.
It is also the second in the seventh trilogy Breakfast With The Master:
  1. We're Here
  2. Being A Being Coach
  3. You Already Got It
in that order.
The first trilogy Breakfast With The Master is:
  1. Conversation With A Laser
  2. Shut Up And Do What You're Doing
  3. Secret Agent
in that order.
The second trilogy Breakfast With The Master is:
  1. Breakfast With The Master II: Future Health
  2. Breakfast With The Master II: Future Finances
  3. Breakfast With The Master II: Future Open
in that order.
The third trilogy Breakfast With The Master is:
  1. Raw Power
  2. It Works Better As A Possibility
  3. Magic At Heart
in that order.
The fourth trilogy Breakfast With The Master is:
  1. Breakfast With The Master IV: Parental Care
  2. Breakfast With The Master IV: Taking The Guilt Out Of It
  3. Breakfast With The Master IV: Language As Music
in that order.
The fifth trilogy Breakfast With The Master is:
  1. Whatever Works
  2. Yesterday's Transformation
  3. Billions And Billions Of Stars
in that order.
The sixth trilogy Breakfast With The Master is:
  1. Breakfast With The Master VI: Doo-Wop, Coffee, And Intention
  2. Breakfast With The Master VI II: Cherish These Days
  3. Breakfast With The Master VI III: Forwarding The Fulfillment
in that order.
The eighth trilogy Breakfast With The Master is:
  1. Breakfast With The Master VIII: What People Crave
  2. Breakfast With The Master VIII II: Keep Talking
  3. Breakfast With The Master VIII III: Fearless In The Face Of Life
in that order.
The ninth trilogy Breakfast With The Master is:
  1. A Fountainhead Of Clarity And Power
  2. Conversation With A Laser II
  3. Being A Being Coach II
in that order.
The tenth trilogy Breakfast With The Master is:
  1. Breakfast With The Master X: Living In A Story
  2. Breakfast With The Master X II: Don't Believe In The Buddha
  3. Breakfast With The Master X III: Broadening Horizons
in that order.
This essay, Being A Being Coach, is the third in the hexalogy Coaching:
It is also the prequel to Being A Being Coach II.
I am indebted to Peter "Pete" Russell who inspired this conversation.

Now that he's granted me this access to him, there are lots of questions I'd like to ask, both when we're breakfasting together annually like today, as well as during the rest of the year. The thing is I'm now mature enough and unflinchingly honest enough with myself, to admit that even when my questions are answered fully, an element of residual dissatisfaction reminds me that questioning isn't a path to being. Gee! I hope you get that. It's taken me long enough to get it - too long, in fact.

Asking questions in pursuit of being ie trying to figure it all out, is a throwback from an earlier modus operandi of mine, a way which had it that answers  will provide the solution, the satisfaction. They never do. I've finally realized I can't question my way to being. No amount of knowing how, no amount of explanation, no amount of understanding has ever gotten me to being. However there is  a way to being, and that's to be. That's it. That's all. And there's a way he be's with me that calls me to be with him. His is being-to-being coaching. He's my being  coach. With this kind of coaching, no answers are needed, and all the questions get in the way. Just be. Like this. That's his coaching. And isn't that all Life requires of us? We're sitting opposite each other, face to face, and I realize that anything I ask him, no matter how erudite, no matter how intelligent, no matter how pertinent, simply wastes this opportunity and his and my time, if I'm not being coachable and just being with him.

That's when I notice something interesting that's crept into our dynamic. The truth is it may have been there all along. What's also true is I noticed it for the first time just now. It's no matter what I share, no matter how great, no matter how grand, no matter how heroic, he only keys off being. He looks at me, he listens me, he gets me, he even smiles at me, yet no matter what I share, he only keys off being. And it gradually dawns on me that being great, being grand, even being heroic can all be impostors  for just being. I start to let it in. It hits me like a ton of bricks: I avoid simply being, by being great! Now if that isn't poignant, I don't know what is.

I share a time I surfed Rincon. It's a great share. For those not in the know, Rincon is arguably one of the world's greatest surf spots. And the day I'm sharing about, I had the place all to myself - kind of like being the only skier at Aspen. The water was warm. And though I didn't bring a surfboard with me, I wished I had ... and then I found one under a pile of kelp  (true story). I surfed beautiful, perfect four foot rights by ... my ... Self. When I was done, I replaced that surfboard under the kelp. It's a miraculous share. He looks at me, he listens me, he smiles at me, and wordlessly says "Come back to being. Just be. That's all that's required of you.".

I share about my children. I'm proud of them. They're doing really well. I mean really  well. This job of being a Dad doesn't come with an instruction manual (as Richard Buckminster "Bucky" Fuller may have said). Yet we  all worked out. It's a great share. And he looks at me, he listens me, he smiles at me, and wordlessly says "That's great. Now come back to being. Just be. That's all that's required of you.".

I share about "getting off it" with people with whom it's impossible  to get off it. I share about the time I lived and worked with the Yawa  tribe in the Tamshiyaku  delta of the Amazon jungle. I've got a vast array of really great shares. And he looks at me, he listens me, he smiles at me, and wordlessly says "Great. Now come back to being. Just be. That's all that's required of you. All you have to do is be.".

Of all the legions of them, this  is his greatest (wordless) coaching for me, the  one, the keeper:  "Just be. It's all that's required of you. All you have to do is be.".

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