your life, it could be said, is nothing more (and nothing less) than
taking on being
cause in the matter
of your life.
your life, it could be said, is a
you take.
No, you don't take this
because it's the right thing to do. Neither is it a
you take because there's proof it's true. Nor is it a stand you
take because you've become convinced (so now you believe) you really
arecause in the matter
of your life. Rather, you take this
purely as a declaration. In other
cause in the matter
of your life because you say so. In this sense,
your life is nothing more (and nothing less) than a
linguistic act.
When you say you're
cause in the matter
of your life, you are ... because you say you are, and
who you are
is your
When I declared I'm
cause in the matter
of my life, the universe shifted. That's a lot closer to the truth than
it sounds. Life as I knew it until that moment, ended.
It was all over for Laurence
In retrospect this wasn't improbable. Neither was it unexpected. The
universe alwaysshows up
at all moments under all circumstances 100%
with how I'm being and in particular with
who I'm being.
There are no exceptions to this - ever. So there's one order of
things which
shows up
for me when I'm not being
cause in the matter
of my life. And there's an entirely new order of things which
shows up
for me when I'm being
cause in the matter
of my life.
I've talked with hundreds and hundreds of people (maybe thousands)
the / their first moment of
It's reconfirmed over and over again: when a person first
for being
cause in the matter
of their life (which is to say when a person first gets the
possibility of being
cause in the matter
of their life),
it's a stunning turn of events. It's stunning given what's
gone before, given the blame that's gone before, given the guilt that's
gone before, given the sense of inferiority that's gone
before, given the victim-ness that's gone before. None of blame,
guilt, sense of inferiority, and victim-ness are personal. All
these effects are simply those which occur naturally for us human
beings in the absence of
in the absence of taking a
for being
cause in the matter
of our lives. In this sense, they're predictable effects.
And predictably these effects begin to break up and disappear in the
process of Life itself when you live your life
ie when you live your life as the
cause in the matter
of your life.
It's freeing. It's totally open to and accepting of whatever I
to do
This is my real life. This is
who I really am,
and what I got is this: all I want to do is live this to the max
24 / 7 / 365
as vigorously as I can as long as I can and share as much of it as I
can as widely as possible with as many people as possible before I
Now, when I first saw this
that's exactly the same time as I also started noticing everything that
gets in the way of me living my life to the max.
Wait. "... everything that gets in the way of you living your life
to the max ..."? Like what? What do you mean, Laurence?
Well ... for starters: hours and hours and hours waiting
in traffic, waiting for the lights to change, waiting to pay tolls at
the tollbooth, waiting at the ramp to get on to the freeway, waiting at
the ramp to get off the freeway. All added up, this is
hundreds and hundreds of hours of my life wasted just
waiting when I could be living my life ie
when I could be living my life to the max.
Then there's paperwork and bills to pay, all the financial matters
which have to be attended to. There's balancing my checkbook. There's
filing bills and payments with the correct annotations so
they get paid on time. There's receipts for purchases to be compiled
and stored and assigned the right chart of accounts code so they're
ready when it's time to file taxes. Taxes! It's not
paying taxes which gets in the way of my life. It's the
two to three weeks spent every year of my life preparing and filing
taxes which keeps me otherwise occupied and gets in the way of me
living my life to the max.
Then there are the torrents of unsolicited unwanted
incoming communications which, even minimally, require my time to deal
with, which get in the way of me living my life to the max. There are
sales pitches by telephone (thank
for caller-id: at least I can squash some of these).
There's junk mail which I recycle and / or call to request
it's termination, all of which takes hours each month to manage. The
latest forms of junk mail (junk faxes and junk text
messages) take more of my time and
And of course there are the tidal waves of spam, junk e-mail in
which the
is awash, which requires time to block and purge, and in so doing gets
in the way of me living my life. It distracts me. It's an intrusion for
me to handle, an intrusion which I'd rather not have to deal with at
These are just a few of hundreds of examples of everything that gets
in the way of my life, the handling / managing of which gets in the
way of me living my life to the max. But wait! There's more.
There's shopping for groceries and essentials. There's housework.
There's laundry. And can you
how many pounds of cobwebs would eventually accumulate in
the amazing
Cowboy Cottage
by the meadow if left unattended? I'd rather be doing
anything than getting rid of cobwebs. There are simple
chores like taking out the garbage, simple repetitive chores which have
to be done, and which over the course of my lifetime will consume a
major portion of the
hours available to me to live my life on
the planet
to the max.
One day as I listened
as he
put together the body of distinctions which would become
I realized all these things which distract me from taking maximum
advantage of the opportunity it is to live Life fully, all these things
the handling / managing of which get in the way of me living my life to
the max, all these simple repetitive chores which over the course of a
lifetime consume hundreds if not thousands of
hours of my life during which I could be doing something else instead
with leverage, something else instead like making
Werner's work
more far flung, more widely available, I realized all these things,
every one of these distractions and intrusions, everything that gets in
the way of my life, ... is ...
my ... life.