Conversations For Transformation: Essays Inspired By The Ideas Of Werner Erhard

Conversations For Transformation

Essays By Laurence Platt

Inspired By The Ideas Of Werner Erhard

And More


Sabbatical II (Beginning)

Laird Family Estate, Oak Knoll Appellation, Napa Valley, California, USA

July 23, 2021

This essay, Sabbatical II (Beginning), is the companion piece to Sabbatical.

It is also the prequel to
  1. Sabbatical II (Middle)
  2. Sabbatical II (End)
in that order.

It is also the first in a hexalogy conceived during my second sabbatical:
  1. Sabbatical II (Beginning)
  2. Silence And Nothing
  3. Sabbatical II (Middle)
  4. Full Self-Expression: Demonstration II
  5. Setting Up For The Rapids
  6. Sabbatical II (End)
in that order.

I'm on a break, a time out. I'm declaring a sabbatical through the end of September 2021 (approximately).

During this time I'm not count-on-able to post and announce two new essays each week as I've become known to do - and I may indeed still post and announce new essays during this time if there's an urge to.

I'll be looking at what's next for Conversations For Transformation. I'll be inquiring into what I can uniquely provide. I'll be discovering who I've been being that's now of the past and, like nicotine, alcohol, aspirin, and sugar, can be dropped. I'll be looking at what's newly possible for this genre.

My Conversations For Transformation website showcasing its internet series of essays inspired by the ideas of Werner Erhard, is now approaching its 17th anniversary, its 1,650th essay, its 1,600,000th view, its 2,000th communication, its 5,000th file - in that order - with approximately 1,500 people included in its e-mail announcement distribution list worldwide.

It's long been my contention (and assertion) that the milieu  of transformation, is the spoken word. With that said, I harbor real doubts about the efficacy of even my own work, this Conversations For Transformation internet series of essays, to reliably make transformation available: its milieu is the written word not the spoken word. Notwithstanding that fact, I wanted to write down / share some of the abstracts and distinctions of transformation. I knew I could do that - but only as well as they can be made available via the written word. And because of this, the one thousand six hundred and fifty essays in this body of work are secondarily successful. But they're primarily  successful because they're supplemented by / interwoven with Werner's videos, papers, photographs, and quotes. That's why this works so well.

Also: unabashedly on display (as evidenced by the very existence of these essays) is my own intention to make transformation available (a key discovery in any authentic experience of transformation is the already intention to share it). And now it seems to me as if the base experience of sharing transformation in this form, is complete. So what I'd like to do now is use this sabbatical to look at what the next (new) thing to say, might be. Look: there'll always be the next (new) thing in our transformed lives. What I've completed in mine, is the base expression of Werner and transformation these enduring essays always promised to (eventually) reveal.

I intend to keep looking, and I'll stay open to it ie to whatever it is that's next (new) appearing. And when I have the next (new) thing to say, I'll say it.

In the early afternoon of Sunday July 25, 2021, I made the following worldwide announcement to one thousand five hundred people plus by e-mail, sharing the onset of my sabbatical from writing Conversations For Transformation. It was distributed to both graduates and non-graduates of Werner's work alike.

Here it is, Conversations For Transformation e-mail announcement #1,675:

Conversations For Transformation

Essays By Laurence Platt

Inspired By The Ideas Of Werner Erhard

And More

Sabbatical II (Beginning)

Sam's Social Club, Calistoga, California, USA

July 25, 2021


I'm Laurence.

I'm on break / time off / vacation / sabbatical through the end of September 2021 approximately.

During this time I'm not count-on-able to post and announce two new essays each week, as I've become known to do - and I may indeed still post and announce new essays during this time if there's an urge to.

I'll be looking at what's next for Conversations For Transformation. I'll be inquiring into what I can uniquely provide. I'll be discovering who I've been being that's now of the past and should be discarded. I'll be looking at what's newly possible for my genre.

My Conversations For Transformation. website showcasing its internet series of essays inspired by the ideas of Werner Erhard, is now approaching its 17th anniversary, its 1,650th essay, its 1,600,000th view, its 2,000th communication, and its 5,000th file - in that order.

Thank You for Your Listening and Support.

Thank You for Your Relationship with Werner,

With my Love and Respect,

Communication Promise E-Mail | Home

© Laurence Platt - 2021 through 2024 Permission

As this sabbatical begins, my personal stand / commitment is that sharing transformation without including / sharing Werner as source, is unacceptably inauthentic - just as it would be unacceptably inauthentic sharing a creation like Blue Nude  without acknowledging Picasso as its (her) source. My personal stand / commitment is that people who share transformation without including / sharing Werner as source explicitly as a matter of rigor, are more than being merely inauthentic (if not outright sloppy): not acknowledging the source of transformation (simply as a matter of fact) represents an immature degree of integrity and authenticity, as well as a disrespect for the plain, simple truth, all of which call the reliability, authority, and accuracy of whomever shares transformation that way, into question.

This, of course, is only my prejudice, my opinion. But it's one I'm willing to be a stand for. And you don't need to take on my prejudice. It's my stand that's the gift.

Communication Promise E-Mail | Home

© Laurence Platt - 2021 through 2024 Permission