Conversations For Transformation: Essays Inspired By The Ideas Of Werner Erhard

Conversations For Transformation

Essays By Laurence Platt

Inspired By The Ideas Of Werner Erhard

And More

Laurence Platt Photo Album

Cowboy Cottage, East Napa, California, USA

February 3, 2009

This essay, Laurence Platt Photo Album, is the fourth in a hexalogy comprising The Laurence Platt Story:
  1. Laurence Platt Autobiography
  2. Laurence Platt Autobiography II
  3. Laurence Platt Intersections
  4. Laurence Platt Photo Album
  5. Laurence Platt And Associates
  6. Gratitude
in that order.

The Laurence Platt Story is the prequel to Wherever I Went, There I Was.

I am indebted to Homer Young-Kennedy III and to Marissa Carlisle and to Anna Taglieri and to Peter Stanford and to Richard Cutttler and to my daughter Alexandra Lindsey Platt Doyle and to Arthur "Art" Pufford and to Tamara "Tammy" Saitowitz and to Katryn Jehane Price and to Paula Zolezzi and to Elizabeth Russell and to Christine Mercado and to my brother Brandon David "Bang" Platt and to Daniel McAlpine and to Victoria Hamilton-Rivers and to Lawrence Williams and to Father Avram Brown and to Digne Mellor‑Menkowicz and to Carl Monroe "CMC" Cheney and to my mother Andee Platt and to Claudette Crump and to Karen Donovan and to my son Joshua Nelson Platt and to Peter Ashken and to Elize Naudé Greeff and to Michael Schropp and to my nephew David Asher Platt and to Madeline Groneman and to Anita Lynn Erhard and to Wernher Krutein and to John Anthony Wheeler and to Dierdre Beck and to Yeiber Cano and to Jacob Mack and to Joseph Barker and to George Afremow and to Lance Lowenberg and to my father Dr Asher Manfred Platt and to my son Christian Laurence Platt and to Deborah Bowen and to Austin Pardo and to Gail Manley and to Nahid Kasra and to Benjamin Patten and to Su Ball and to Joshua Platzky Miller and to Marielle Adegran Rutherford and to Rachael Hobernicht and to John Stofan and to Deborah Rosenberg Erhard and to Kathleen Hamernick and to Brian Catlett and to Rosalie LeCount and to Harrison Chase Doyle and to Gonneke Spits and to Giovanni "Gio" Llanos and to Jeff Penick and to Paul Naveau and to Aaron Santos and to Marley Abel and to Soldier Of Fortune Magazine and to Verizon Wireless and to Photo Hausmann who inspired this conversation, and to Fred Gruber and to Susan Shafer and to Anna Taglieri and to Charlene Afremow and to my daughter Alexandra Lindsey Platt Doyle and to John Frederick "JFH" Hammond and to Sam Hammond and to Jolin Beth Halstead and to my sister Anthea "Anth" Sarah Platt Haupt and to Katherine Penick and to the City of Napa who contributed material. 

This photo album works best with Chrome

Many of the photographs of me in this photo album appear in the same order, left to right, top to bottom, as they appeared at the end of the Conversations For Transformation website home page. Others which appear in essays rather than on the home page, don't.

These photographs show my appearance. But, not shown in these photographs, it's my speaking  which brings forth transformation. Transformation shows up in my mouth  and, with my profound gratitude to you for what you make possible simply by the act of listening, in your ears  (as Werner Erhard may have said).

It's often been noted how futile it is to hunt butterflies. Once you've captured them, they've lost the very quality they had which made you want to own them in the first place: their freedom.

So it is with these Conversations For Transformation. By writing them down I've taken them out of the domain of transformation ie out of the domain of the spoken word, out of the domain of speaking  and listening, and put them into a mere close approximation  to transformation ie into the domain of the written word, into the domain of writing  and reading. When I write them down they lose some of the very quality which made them noteworthy in the first place.

What I write as these Conversations For Transformation may leave you with an experience of transformation. Indeed, it's my intention they will. What I look like  is only secondary to this process - in all likelihood it plays very little part in it at all.
Photography by Homer Young-Kennedy III - Napa Valley, California, USA
Photography by Marissa Carlisle - Napa Valley, California, USA
Napa Valley, California, USA
Napa Valley, California, USA
Napa Valley, California, USA
Napa Valley, California, USA - 2:36pm Saturday September 7, 2002
Photography by Anna Taglieri - Landmark Forum - Islandia Marriott, Long Island, New York, USA - Sunday February 9, 2003
Napa Valley, California, USA - 3:49pm Saturday September 7, 2002
Napa Valley, California, USA
Photography by Peter Stanford
Napa Valley, California, USA
Photography by Richard Cutttler - Cape Town, South Africa - 1970
Photography by Alexandra Lindsey Platt - Vallejo, California, USA
Photography by Arthur "Art" Pufford - Napa Valley, California, USA - December 2006
Photography by Tamara "Tammy" Saitowitz - London, England
Photography by Katryn Jehane Price - Guerneville, California, USA
Photography by Anita Lynn Erhard - Petaluma, California, USA - 7:42pm Saturday March 13, 2004
Photography by Paula Zolezzi - Tamboerskloof, Cape Town, South Africa - 8:35pm Saturday November 4, 2006
Photography by Marissa Carlisle - Napa Valley, California, USA

Photography by Elizabeth Russell - Redwood City, California, USA
Photography by Christine Mercado - 3:12pm Thursday June 28, 2007
Photography by Brandon Platt - Signal Hill, Cape Town, South Africa
Photography by Elizabeth Russell - Jamestown, Tuolumne County, California, USA - 8:18am Sunday March 26, 2006
Photography by Daniel McAlpine - 2:05pm Saturday April 14, 2007
Photography by Victoria Hamilton-Rivers - Muir Beach, California, USA

Photography by Joshua Nelson Platt - Muir Beach, California, USA
Photography by Victoria Hamilton-Rivers - Muir Beach, California, USA
Alexandra's Graduation from Napa High School - Memorial Stadium, Napa, USA - Wednesday June 11, 2008
Alexandra and Joshua
Photography by Joshua Nelson Platt - ButterCream Bakery & Diner, Napa, California, USA
Photography by Lawrence Williams - Muir Beach, California, USA
Photography by Victoria Hamilton-Rivers - Greenbrae, California, USA
... fifteen years earlier: 1993 ... - Napa Valley, California, USA
Photography by Father Avram Brown - Napa Valley, California, USA - Thursday September 11, 2003
Photography by Digne Mellor-Menkowicz

Transcendental Meditation Leadership Course

Kössen, Austria

August 1971
with Maharish Mahesh Yogi
Photography by Carl Monroe "CMC" Cheney

Napa Valley, California, USA
Joshua and Alexandra and Christian
Photography by Andee Platt - Bergvliet, Cape Town, South Africa - 1951
my father Dr Asher Manfred
Cape Town, South Africa - April 1967
Artwork by The United States Mint - Collage by Laurence Platt - Napa Valley, California, USA
Napa Valley, California, USA - 2:36pm Saturday September 7, 2002
with Lama Lobsang Tsering
Photography by Victoria Hamilton-Rivers - Applebee's, Napa, California, USA - 7:12pm Sunday June 28, 2009
with Alexandra
Photography by Claudette Crump - Malibu, California, USA - 11:15am Sunday June 10, 2007
Photography by Karen Donovan - Sonoma Valley, California, USA
Photography by Victoria Hamilton-Rivers - Muir Beach, California, USA
Photography by Victoria Hamilton-Rivers - Muir Beach, California, USA
Photography by Joshua and Laurence Platt - ... fifteen years later: Sunday October 5, 2008 ... - Muir Beach, California, USA
Photography by Alexandra Lindsey Platt - Goleta Beach, California, USA - Saturday October 10, 2009
Photography by Victoria Hamilton-Rivers - Muir Beach, California, USA
Photography by Alexandra Lindsey Platt - Goleta Beach, California, USA - Saturday October 10, 2009

Photography by Christine Mercado - 3:12pm Thursday June 28, 2007
Robyn Symon
Jan Smuts Airport, Johannesburg, South Africa - 9:42pm Wednesday March 26, 2003
with Blaise Koch
Photography by Victoria Hamilton-Rivers - Muir Beach, California, USA - 59th Birthday, 11:48am Monday June 8, 2009
59th Birthday
Photography by Soldier Of Fortune Magazine - Hayvenhurst Avenue, Encino, California, USA - May 1985
with Joseph Jackson
Photography by Victoria Hamilton-Rivers - Oak Leaf Ranch, East Napa, California, USA - 7:19pm Friday June 19, 2009
with Patient Horse
Photography by Elize Naudé Greeff
with Vyan
Photography by Victoria Hamilton-Rivers - Applebee's, Napa, California, USA - 7:12pm Sunday June 28, 2009
Photography by David Asher Platt - Cape Town, South Africa
with Anthea and my mother Andee and Brandon
Napa Winery Shuttle - Napa Valley, California, USA
Photography by Alexandra Lindsey Platt - Goleta Beach, California, USA - Saturday October 10, 2009
Photography by Alexandra Lindsey Platt - Goleta Beach, California, USA - Saturday October 10, 2009
Photography by Victoria Hamilton-Rivers - Muir Beach, California, USA
Canal Grande, Venezia, Italia - 6:32pm Monday August 10, 2009
Photography by Alexandra Lindsey Platt - Goleta Beach, California, USA - Saturday October 10, 2009
Photography by Peter Ashken - Chameleon House, Harleston, Norfolk, England
Photography by Alexandra Lindsey Platt - Canal Grande, Venezia, Italia - 6:32pm Monday August 10, 2009
Photography by Victoria Hamilton-Rivers - Stinson Beach, California, USA - 11:12am Friday September 11, 2009
Photography by Alexandra Lindsey Platt - Goleta Beach, California, USA - Saturday October 10, 2009
Photography by Victoria Hamilton-Rivers - Muir Beach, California, USA - 6:22pm Sunday November 29, 2009
Cape Town, South Africa - November 1968
Photography by Madeline Groneman - Hamilton-Rivers Family and Friends Thanksgiving Reunion - Muir Beach, California, USA - 11:35am Sunday November 29, 2009
Photography by Victoria Hamilton-Rivers - Muir Beach, California, USA
Photography by Victoria Hamilton-Rivers - Cowboy Cottage, East Napa, California, USA
Photography by Victoria Hamilton-Rivers - Surfing weekend - Muir Beach, California, USA - 5:24pm Sunday March 7, 2010
Joshua and Christian
Photography by Anita Lynn Erhard - Petaluma, California, USA - 7:42pm Saturday March 13, 2004
with Dorothy
Photography by Alexandra Lindsey Platt - Goleta Beach, California, USA - Saturday October 10, 2009
Photography by Victoria Hamilton-Rivers - Muir Beach, California, USA - 10:48am Sunday May 16, 2010
Photography by Alexandra Lindsey Platt - Christian Platt Graduation - Justin-Siena High School North Lawn, Napa, California, USA - 11:19am Saturday June 5, 2010
Image by Wernher Krutein / - Golden Eagle Film Locations, Two Rock Ranch, Two Rock, California, USA - 12:00 noon Tuesday June 8, 2010
60th Birthday
Photography by Victoria Hamilton-Rivers - Somewhere at 38,000 feet over the Pacific Ocean - 2:12pm Friday July 9, 2010
Photography by Victoria Hamilton-Rivers - Waikīkī Beach, Honolulu, O'ahu, Hawai'i, USA - 5:39pm Friday July 9, 2010
Photography by Victoria Hamilton-Rivers - Judd's Hill, Napa Valley, California, USA - 12:28pm Monday August 2, 2010
Photography by John Anthony Wheeler - Waimānalo Beach, O'ahu, Hawai'i, USA - 11:01am Saturday July 10, 2010
Photography by Dierdre Beck, Muir Beach, California, USA - 6:32pm Monday August 23, 2010
Photography by Alexandra Lindsey Platt - El Rastro, Madrid, Spain - 1:10pm Sunday October 10, 2010
Photography by Alexandra Lindsey Platt - Casa de Campo, Madrid, Spain - 2:40pm Sunday October 10, 2010
Photography by Victoria Hamilton-Rivers - Stinson Beach, California, USA - 0:22am Friday September 11, 2009
Photography by Victoria Hamilton-Rivers - Muir Beach, California, USA - 11:25am Thanksgiving Day, Thursday November 25, 2010
Photography by Victoria Hamilton-Rivers - Waimānalo Beach, O'ahu, Hawai'i, USA - 12:00 noon Saturday July 10, 2010
Photography by Yeiber Cano - Palo Alto, California, USA - 7:35pm Sunday January 14, 2007
Laurence Platt Video Interview on YouTube
Photography by Alexandra Lindsey Platt - Sand Script by Laurence Platt - Le Plage de Mogador, Port d'Essaouira, Morocco - 12:48pm Friday March 11, 2011
Photography by Alexandra Lindsey Platt - La Plage de Mogador, Port d'Essaouira, Morocco - 4:36pm Thursday March 10, 2011
Laurence Platt Video Interview on YouTube
Photography by Alexandra Lindsey Platt - Edit by Clay Kilgore based on an idea by Laurence Platt - Casa de Campo, Madrid, Spain - 2:40pm Sunday October 10, 2010
Photography by Paula Zolezzi - Tamboerskloof, Cape Town, South Africa - 9:42pm Saturday November 4, 2006
my mother Andee
Somerset, New Jersey, USA

8:03pm Wednesday June 8, 2011
Self Portrait
61st Birthday
Photography by Victoria Hamilton-Rivers - Point Reyes, California, USA - 1:42pm Sunday July 17, 2011
with Alexandra
Photography by Alexandra Lindsey Platt - Point Reyes, California, USA - 1:56pm Sunday July 17, 2011
Photography by Jacob Mack - Pelican Park, Isla Vista, California, USA - 1:52pm Sunday August 28, 2011
Christian and Alexandra
Photography by Jacob Mack - Pelican Park, Isla Vista, California, USA - 1:52pm Sunday August 28, 2011
Christian and Alexandra and Joshua
University of California at Santa Barbara - Goleta, California, USA - 12:22pm Tuesday October 11, 2011
with Alexandra on her 21st birthday
Photography by Yeiber Cano - Muir Beach, California, USA - 1:35pm Saturday October 22, 2011
Laurence Platt Video Interview II on YouTube
Photography by Yeiber Cano - Muir Beach, California, USA - 4:32pm Saturday October 22, 2011
Laurence Platt Video Interview III on YouTube
Photography by Victoria Hamilton-Rivers - 'Anini Beach, Kīilauea, Kaua'i, Hawai'i, USA - 10:34am Sunday December 4, 2011
Christmas 1999
Photography by Victoria Hamilton-Rivers - Muir Beach, California, USA - 3:35pm Friday March 2, 2012
Photography by George Afremow - Auberge du Soleil, Rutherford, California, USA - 8:07pm Sunday March 22, 2012
with Charlene Afremow
Concept by Laurence Platt

1:11:21pm Saturday March 10, 2012
Self Portrait
Photography by Alexandra Lindsey Platt - Muir Beach, California, USA - 5:11pm Friday June 8, 2012
62nd Birthday
Cape Town, South Africa - April 1967
Photography by Victoria Hamilton-Rivers - UC at Santa Barbara Graduation - Isla Vista, California, USA - 3:24pm Friday June 15, 2012
Photography by Victoria Hamilton-Rivers - Rincon, California, USA - 5:59pm Saturday June 16, 2012
boogie-boarding Rincon
Photography by Lance Lowenberg - Goleta, California, USA - 7:40pm Friday July 27, 2012
Christian on his 20th birthday
Photography by Victoria Hamilton-Rivers - Cowboy Cottage, East Napa, California, USA - 2:41pm Sunday October 21, 2012
Photography by Alexandra Lindsey Platt - Alston Park, Napa Valley, California, USA - 8:54am Thanksgiving Day, Thursday November 26, 2009
Photography by Joshua Nelson Platt - San Francisco International Airport, California, USA - 1:14pm Friday January 11, 2013
with Joshua
Laurence Guy Platt - Photography by Alexandra Lindsey Platt - Nuffield House, Guy's Hospital - Borough of Southwark, London, England - 12:37pm Sunday January 13, 2013
Photography by Alexandra Lindsey Platt - Parliament Square, London, England - 12:11pm Monday January 14, 2013
Nelson Mandela
Abbey Road Zebra Crossing and Studio - Photography by Alexandra Lindsey Platt - St John's Wood, London, England - 1:01pm Monday January 14, 2013 - Collage by Laurence Platt
with The Beatles
Photography by Alexandra Lindsey Platt - London Eye, London, England - 2:19pm Saturday January 19, 2013
Photography by Victoria Hamilton-Rivers - Muir Beach, California, USA - 6:49pm Thursday February 21, 2013
Photography by Victoria Hamilton-Rivers - Muir Beach, California, USA
Photography by Asher Manfred Platt - Macassar Beach, Cape Town, South Africa - 1957
Anthea and my mother Andee and Brandon
Photography by Victoria Hamilton-Rivers - Muir Beach, California, USA - 3:51pm Saturday June 8, 2013
63rd Birthday
Photography by Victoria Hamilton-Rivers - San Francisco International Airport, California, USA - 6:52pm Thursday June 20, 2013
Buellton, California, USA

2:08:01pm Wednesday March 27, 2010
Photography by Christian Laurence Platt - Musket Cove, Malolo Lailai, Mamanucas, Fiji - 12:36pm Sunday June 30, 2013
Photography by Deborah Bowen - Sonoma, California, USA - 7:31pm Saturday July 20, 2013
Photograph courtesy Verizon Wireless - Warren, New Jersey, USA - 3:19pm Thursday June 9, 2011
training Verizon Wireless mainframe computer operators
Photography by Alexandra Lindsey Platt - Santa Barbara, California, USA - 1:42pm Saturday December 7, 2013
Photography by Austin Pardo - Cowboy Cottage, East Napa, California, USA - 10:36:14pm Sunday February 9, 2014
Alexandra and Christian and Joshua
Photography by Alexandra Lindsey Platt - Sankt Petri Kyrka, Göran Olsgatan, Malmö, Sweden - 12:41:12pm Monday February 17, 2014
Photography by Alexandra Lindsey Platt - Santa Barbara, California, USA - 2:32:01pm Monday March 10, 2014
Photography by Karen Donovan - Sonoma, California, USA - 10:59:01am Sunday June 8, 2014
64th Birthday
Photography by Alexandra Lindsey Platt - Santa Barbara, California, USA - 4:07:11pm Saturday July 26, 2014
Photography by Gail Manley - Silverado Vineyards, Silverado Trail, Napa Valley, California, USA - 4:11:11pm Saturday October 25, 2014
Photography by Nahid Kasra - Sonoma, California, USA - 8:04:01pm Tuesday October 28, 2014
Sonoma, California, USA - 1:47:01pm Thanksgiving Day, Thursday November 27, 2014
with Alexandra
Photography by Benjamin Patten - The Hess Collection, Mount Veeder, California, USA - 11:17:02am Tuesday December 30, 2014
Robyn Symon
Photography by Alexandra Lindsey Platt - Santa Barbara, California, USA - 1:28:34pm Saturday February 7, 2015
"Laurence Under Olive Tree" - Photography by Su Ball - Banhoek, Stellenbosch, South Africa - 3:18:43pm Sunday February 22, 2015
Photography by Joshua Platzky Miller - The Hess Collection, Mount Veeder, California, USA - 11:54:03am Friday March 20, 2015
Photography by Austin Pardo - Cowboy Cottage, East Napa, California, USA - 11:09:12am Sunday May 31, 2015
Christian and Alexandra and Joshua
Photography by Marielle Adegran Rutherford - Andretti Vineyards, Napa Valley, California, USA - 7:10:10am Monday June 8, 2015
65th Birthday
... twenty two years earlier: 1993 ... - Napa Valley, California, USA
Joshua, Father's Day 2015
Photography by Laurence Platt - Judd's Hill, Napa Valley, California, USA - 10:38:14am Tuesday August 11, 2015
Photography by Alexandra Lindsey Platt

Hendry's Beach, Santa Barbara, California, USA

3:16:11pm Saturday September 19, 2015
Photography by Rachael Hobernicht

Cowboy Cottage, East Napa, California, USA

9:26:03am Thanksgiving Day
Thursday November May 26, 2015
Christian and Alexandra and Joshua
Photography by Anita Lynn Erhard

Silverado Vineyards, Napa Valley, California, USA

2:58:04pm Monday December 21, 2015
with Anita Lynn Erhard
Photography by Anita Lynn Erhard

Oxbow Commons, Napa, California, USA

3:16:01pm Thursday February 4, 2016
Photography by Christian Laurence Platt

Bodega Head, Bodega Bay, California, USA

9:55:02am Tuesday March 22, 2016
Photography by Christian, Laurence, and Joshua Platt

Cowboy Cottage, East Napa, California, USA

7:11:03pm Wednesday April 6, 2016
Christian and Joshua
Photography by Alexandra Lindsey Platt

Dupont Circle, Washington DC, USA

1:07:08pm Tuesday June 7, 2016
Photography by Alexandra Lindsey Platt

National Mall, Washington DC, USA

6:20:03pm Wednesday June 8, 2016
66th Birthday
Photography by Alexandra Lindsey Platt

Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool
Washington DC, USA

5:56:15pm Wednesday June 8, 2016
Photography by Alexandra Lindsey Platt

Lincoln Memorial, Washington DC, USA

6:03:05pm Wednesday June 8, 2016
Photography by Alexandra Lindsey Platt

The White House, Washington DC, USA

1:35:29pm Sunday June 12, 2016
Photography by Alexandra Lindsey Platt

Renwick Gallery, Washington DC, USA

1:02:23pm Sunday June 12, 2016
Photography by Joshua, Christian, and Laurence Platt

Christian's 24th birthday

Cowboy Cottage, East Napa, California, USA

7:34:27pm Wednesday July 27, 2016
Joshua and Christian
Photography by John Stofan

Left to right:

Andres Ovalle, Justin Hagler, Charlene Afremow,
Laurence Platt, Rachel Valdez, Ashley Afremow

Silverado Vineyards, Napa Valley, California, USA

4:29:02pm Sunday August 7, 2016
Cliff House, San Francisco, California, USA

Left to right:

John Frederick "JFH" Hammond, Sam Hammond, Laurence Platt

8:29:34pm Wednesday September 14, 2016
Photography by Deborah Rosenberg Erhard

Napa Valley, California, USA

1:10:14pm Sunday October 30, 2016
with Deborah Rosenberg Erhard
Left to right:

Christian Platt, David Platt, Laurence Platt,
Joshua Platt, Rachael Hobernicht, Alexandra Platt

Auberge du Soleil, Rutherford, California, USA

2:59:43pm Saturday December 24, 2016
Photography by Kathleen Hamernick

Napa, California, USA

3:28:34pm Friday January 20, 2017
Photography by Alexandra Lindsey Platt

Jessup Cellars, Yountville, California, USA

1:34:12pm Tuesday January 31, 2017
Photography by Brian Catlett

Humanitas, Napa, California, USA

3:55:09pm Friday February 17, 2017
with Anita Lynn Erhard
Photograph courtesy Jolin Beth Halstead

Whole Foods Market, Napa, California, USA

2:46:12pm Tuesday March 7, 2017
Jolin Beth Halstead
Photography by Joshua Nelson Platt

Connolly Ranch, Napa, California, USA

12:57:09pm Tuesday March 28, 2017
with nanny goat and kid
Photography by Joshua Nelson Platt

Cowboy Cottage Cattle Pasture,
East Napa, California, USA

7:17:10am Thursday June 2, 2017
67th Birthday
Cowboy Cottage, East Napa, California, USA

3:10:42pm Tuesday October 10, 2017
Self Portrait
Photography by Alexandra Lindsey Platt

El Presido de Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara, California, USA

10:40:12am Sunday October 15, 2017
Selfie by Joshua Nelson Platt

Oakland International Airport, California, USA

3:38:30am Saturday October 28, 2017
Left to right:
Joshua, Alexandra, Jolin, Laurence, Christian

the five of us together for the first time in thirteen

8:52:07pm Friday November 10, 2017
with Jolin Beth Halstead, the mother of my children

Photography by Alexandra Lindsey Platt

9:02:07pm Friday November 10, 2017
Jolin Beth Halstead
Photography by Photo Hausmann

Cape Town, South Africa

with Anthea
The Table, Napa, California, USA

1:58:01pm Thursday December 21, 2017
"Elf Playing Air Violin"
Photography by Alexandra Lindsey Platt

Alston Park, Napa Valley, California, USA

9:41:02am Sunday January 28, 2018
"Dad In His Natural Habitat"
Photography by Joshua Nelson Platt

Walnut Street, Napa, California, USA

6:22:04pm Thursday March 22, 2018
Photography by Alexandra Lindsey Platt

Santa Barbara, California, USA

6:22:04pm Friday June 8, 2018
68th Birthday
Photography by Joshua Nelson Platt

Bodega Head, Bodega Bay, California, USA

11:00:23am Sunday June 17, 2018
"Father's Day 2018"
Photography by Joshua Nelson Platt

Alston Park, Napa Valley, California, USA

6:11:16pm Tuesday August 14, 2018
Photography by Rosalie LeCount

Marin County, California, USA

3:45:18pm Labor Day, Monday September 3, 2018
Photography by Alexandra Lindsey Platt

Inspiration Point, Santa Barbara, California, USA

2:04:16pm, Saturday November 24, 2018
Photography by Harrison Chase Doyle

Santa Barbara, California, USA

6:18:02pm, Sunday January 20, 2019
Photography by Gonneke Spits

Photography by Harrison Chase Doyle

Santa Barbara, California, USA

4:33pm Saturday June 8, 2019
69th Birthday
Alston Park, Napa Valley, California, USA

11:11:11am Friday August 9, 2019
Photography by Giovanni "Gio" Llanos

Lokoya, Spring Mountain Appellation
Napa Valley, California, USA

1:30:10pm Sunday September 22, 2019
Photography by Jeff Penick

Healdsburg, California, USA

4:15:11pm Monday October 7, 2019
Photography by Paul Naveau

The Mastery Course:
Being a Master of Life: What It Takes

East Wintergarden, Canary Wharf, London, England

10:49:14am GMT Friday November 15, 2019
Drew Kopp
Photography by Christian Laurence Platt

US Bank Tower ("Big Pink")
30 floors above Portland, Oregon, USA

11:46:23am PST Wednesday December 11, 2019
Photography by Joshua Nelson Platt

East Napa, California, USA

2:42:12pm PST Christmas Day
Tuesday December 25, 2019
at home at Cowboy Cottage
Photography by Joshua Nelson Platt

Napa, California, USA

7:05:27pm PST Christmas Day
Tuesday December 25, 2019
Alston Park, Napa Valley, California, USA

12:56:03pm PST Monday February 10, 2020
Self Portrait
Photography by Joshua Nelson Platt

Connolly Ranch, Browns Valley, California, USA

5:04:25pm PST Thursday February 20, 2020
Photography by Marielle Adegran Rutherford

Larkin Way, Napa Valley, California, USA

10:00:01am PDT Monday June 8, 2020
70th Birthday
Self Portrait by Laurence Platt

Being with a Landmark Forum Leader via Zoom

Cowboy Cottage, East Napa, California, USA

5:24:13pm PDT Wednesday July 8, 2020
Self Portrait by Laurence Platt

Cowboy Cottage, East Napa, California, USA

10:30:31pm PDT Thursday October 8, 2020
Self Portrait by Laurence Platt

Hotel Villagio, Yountville, California, USA

10:01:42am PDT Saturday October 17, 2020
we're not Republican, we're not Democratic, we're American
Photography by Karen Donovan

Sonoma, California, USA

5:45:14pm PST Thursday January 7, 2021
Photography by Karen Donovan

Sonoma, California, USA

10:02:01am PDT Thursday May 27, 2021
Photography by Anita Lynn Erhard

Napa, California, USA

1:46:17am PDT Tuesday June 8, 2021
Newest -V
71st Birthday
Selfie by Laurence Platt

Lovall Valley, California, USA

11:59:28am PST Tuesday December 14, 2021
Newest -IV
with Ron Mann
Selfie by Laurence Platt

Cowboy Cottage, East Napa, California, USA

1:34:27pm PST Thursday December 16, 2021
Newest -III
Photography by Joshua Nelson Platt

Joshua's home on wheels
Hillside Drive, East Napa, California, USA

3:42:12pm PDT Sunday April 17, 2022
Newest -III
Photography by Aaron Santos

Napa Music Supply, Napa, California, USA

11:32:18am PST Friday February 10, 2023
Newest -II
Photography by Marley Abel

Barnhouse Napa Brews, Napa, California, USA

1:48:29am PDT Sunday September 24, 2023
Newest -I
Photography by Joshua Nelson Platt

Boyne City, Michigan, USA

6:59:28pm EDT Saturday October 7, 2023
Photography by Joshua Nelson Platt

Walloon Lake, Michigan, USA

5:21:39pm EDT Sunday October 8, 2023
with Ernest Hemingway

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© Laurence Platt - 2009 through 2024 Permission